pakistani cricketer Misbah-ul-Haq Khan Niazi biogarphy
pakistani cricketer Misbah-ul-Haq Khan Niazi biogarphy
M!sbah-ul-Haq Khan N!az! (conce!ved 28 May 1974,M!anwal!, Punjab, Pak!stan), or M!sbah-ul-Haq, !s a un!versal Pak!stan! cr!cketer who as of now leads the Test Pak!stan nat!onal cr!cket group, and a prev!ous commander of OD!s and T20!s unt!l h!s ret!rement !n 2015 after World Conta!ner.
He !s a center request batsman best known for h!s self-control w!th the bat wh!le l!kew!se be!ng able to be a forceful b!g cheese player when requ!red. M!sbah holds the world record of scor!ng most keeps runn!ng w!thout century !n OD! vocat!on. M!sbah holds the record of the qu!ckest test half century and shared the record for speed!est test century w!th S!r V!v!an R!chards, wh!ch was later broken by Brendon McCullum. M!sbah has a MBA degree !n HRM from the College of Adm!n!strat!on and !nnovat!on !n Lahore, Punjab.
After ret!rement !n constra!ned over cr!cket, he kept on play!ng !n longer conf!gurat!on for couple of years. On 4 Apr!l 2017, M!sbah reported h!s ret!rement from all un!versal cr!cket too after the f!n!sh of West Non ma!nstream players v!s!t.
Early l!fe
M!sbah exper!enced ch!ldhood !n M!anwal!, Punjab. H!s dad Abdul Qudoos N!az! was a school foremost. He k!cked the bucket !n M!sbah's youth. He !s the ma!n ch!ld of h!s folks. Am!d h!s !n!t!al days M!sbah played tape ball cr!cket for the place where he grew up. Be that as !t may, h!s folks demanded h!m hav!ng a decent !nstruct!on. Accord!ngly he f!n!shed a BSc !n Fa!salabad. He then selected !n the College of Adm!n!strat!on and !nnovat!on to seek after a MBA degree. M!sbah would !n the long run make h!s top of the l!ne make a b!g appearance !n 1998, matured 24 for Sargodha. M!sbah would !n the long run be chosen for the Pak!stan! Test s!de !n 2001 and the OD! cr!cket group !n 2002. M!sbah !s h!tched to Uzma Khan !n 2004. The couple have two k!ds; Faheem-ul-Haq and Nor!za Khan.Faheem-ul-Haq !s left g!ven batsman.
Household vocat!on
M!sbah had p!cked up accompl!shment at worldw!de level as well as at household level. H!s 2012–13 res!dent!al season was paramount. He capta!ned Fa!salabad Scoundrels compet!t!on and SNGPL !n Top of the l!ne and Rundown A household compet!t!on. !n!t!ally, he took SNGPL to tr!umph !n Pres!dent's Trophy aga!nst Younus Khan's HBL and after that Fa!salabad Wolves to tr!umph !n Faysal Bank Super 8 aga!nst Shoa!b Mal!k's S!alkot Stall!ons !n last shock!ngly. Desp!te the fact that Fa!salabad Wolves lost last before !n Faysal Bank T20 Glass aga!nst Mohammad Hafeez's Lahore L!ons however they del!vered the!r retr!but!on !n Super 8 compet!t!on !n sem!-last and !n the long run w!nn!ng the compet!t!on and all the more v!tally meet!ng all requ!rements for the Champ!ons Assoc!at!on T20. Also, f!nally M!sbah drove SNGPL to another tr!umph !n res!dent!al rundown A compet!t!on, Pres!dent's Glass aga!nst Rana Naved-ul-Hasan's WAPDA !n last. M!sbah won every s!ngle household compet!t!on (Twenty20, f!ve star and rundown An) !n res!dent!al season 2012/13.
M!sbah played !n 2008 !nd!an Ch!ef Group Season 1 for !mper!al Challengers Bangalore wh!le he played !n Sr! Lanka Head Assoc!at!on for Kandurata Warr!ors !n 2012. What's more, he add!t!onally spoke to St Luc!a Zouks !n 2013 season !n Car!bbean Ch!ef All!ance. He add!t!onally played for Abhan! !n Bangladesh.
M!sbah uncovered that he had been offered a two-year shr!nk by Worcestersh!re Reg!on Cr!cket Club to play !n the Engl!sh D!str!ct T!tle from 2013 onwards, however decl!ned because of confl!cts w!th h!s worldw!de dut!es.
!n 2015 M!sbah marked by Rangpur R!ders to play !n the th!rd release of the Bangladesh Head All!ance. He settled on the cho!ce to play keep!ng !n m!nd the end goal to rema!n coord!nate f!t for the up and com!ng Test Arrangement w!th Br!ta!n !n July 2016. !n just h!s !n!t!ally d!vers!on for Rangpur R!ders, M!sbah scored 61 runs, crush!ng 4 s!xes and w!nn!ng h!s group the amusement by pursu!ng a mammoth aggregate of 187. He was granted the Man of the Match grant for the exh!b!t!ons.
M!sbah marked by !slamabad Jo!ned at a cost of $140,000 to be played !n February 2016 for Pak!stan Super Assoc!at!on. He !s the tenth most astound!ng scorer !n the group. He drove !slamabad Jo!ned to be the pr!mary champ!ons of Pak!stan Super Class.
Global vocat!on
Early days
Desp!te the fact that mak!ng h!s un!versal !ntroduct!on !n 2001, h!s leap forward came when was chosen for !CC World T20. M!sbah was compell!ng !n h!s product!ve 2007 !CC World Twenty20 broadly play!ng the Oar Scoop !n the Last aga!nst !nd!a !n the last over as Pak!stan lost by 5 runs. He was dr!v!ng run scorer from Pak!stan and th!rd !n general !n the compet!t!on. Add!t!onally he !s the ma!n Pak!stan! player who ach!eved f!rst !n !CC T20! rank!ngs. No other Pak!stan! player could accompl!sh th!s deed t!ll now. He was the f!rst Pak!stan! player to score 50 !n T20!.
M!sbah was an !nd!v!dual from the 2009 World T20 w!nn!ng squad and was applauded for h!s execut!on. M!sbah assumed a persuas!ve part !n gett!ng Pak!stan to the 2011 World Conta!ner el!m!nat!on rounds under Shah!d Afr!d!'s capta!ncy. After the m!sfortune aga!nst !nd!a at Mohal!, M!sbah confronted feedback from fans and spec!al!sts for play!ng an excess!ve number of dab balls !n cr!t!cal overs.
!n 2013, M!sbah was splend!d as far as h!s batt!ng. He moved to a vocat!on best seventh place !n the !CC rank!ngs for OD! batsmen. M!sbah was the ma!n run scorer !n OD! cr!cket for year 2013 !n front of Mohammad Hafeez and V!rat Kohl!.
!n the pr!nc!pal test at Abu Dhab! aga!nst South Afr!ca, Pak!stan amassed 442 runs, where M!sbah scored h!s fourth test century, wh!ch was the second !n the !nn!ngs after Khurram Manzoor's 146. !n the second !nn!ngs the Pak!stan! batt!ng fallen and were 7/3 w!th just requ!r!ng a s!mple focus of 40. At the po!nt when the two sen!ors of the group (M!sbah and Youn!s Khan) came !nto bat, M!sbah h!t two s!xes off the play!ng of Rob!n Peterson and h!t the tr!umphant keeps runn!ng w!th a stra!ght s!x.

!n late 2013, !nd!a was booked to play South Afr!ca !n a 3 Test, 7 OD! and 3 T20! arrangement, wh!ch was stopped by the BCC!. To l!m!t m!sfortunes, Cr!cket South Afr!ca welcomed Pak!stan to play South Afr!ca at home, !n the!r th!rd respect!ve arrangement of the year.
The pr!mary OD! was fac!l!tated at Cape Town. South Afr!ca were packaged out for 195, los!ng by 23 runs, and Pak!stan lead!ng the pack, 1–0. The second OD! at Port El!zabeth was ra!n-!nfluenced, convey!ng !t down to 45 overs for each s!de. Pak!stan won by 1 run, wh!ch l!kew!se drove them to a lady arrangement w!n aga!nst South Afr!ca, that too at home. Pak!stan was add!t!onally the ma!n South As!an group to beat South Afr!ca !n a two-s!ded OD! arrangement at home.
The dead elast!c was played at Centur!on, and 3 of Pak!stan's star bowlers, Mohammad Hafeez, Shah!d Afr!d! and Juna!d Khan were refreshed. Batt!ng f!rst at the end of the day, Pak!stan scratched together a sum of 179 full scale, w!th M!sbah stay!ng unbeaten on 79. !n sp!te of the fact that the bowlers attempted to keep Pak!stan !n the amusement, the South Afr!can batsmen were too great and won by 4 w!ckets. Pak!stan took the arrangement 2–1. Th!s away w!n over the Proteas !n the wake of be!ng mort!f!ed !n Pak!stan's embraced home, the UAE, took th!ngs back to ord!nary !n Pak!stan cr!cket, w!th M!sbah accept!ng recogn!t!on from the nat!on over.
Break!ng records
!n 2014, he made a test century off of 56 conveyances aga!nst Austral!a !n Abu Dhab!, measur!ng up to the speed!est one of that t!me by V!v R!chards. !n July 2016, M!sbah scored a century aga!nst Br!ta!n at Ruler's and turned !nto the most seasoned cr!cketer !n 82 years to score a test century. At 42 years old years and 2 months, M!sbah l!kew!se turned !nto the most establ!shed commander ever to score a test century. M!sbah commended the m!lestone by salut!ng h!s colleagues and do!ng ten push-ups. He later clar!f!ed am!d a meet!ng that the fest!val was !mpl!ed as a tr!bute to the M!l!tary Tra!n!ng camp !n Abbotabad where the group had gone to an armed force style !nstruct!onal course.
Am!d Pak!stan's voyage through !nd!a, M!sbah scored two centur!es and was named act!ng commander for an OD! because of Shoa!b Mal!k's damage.
Pr!or !n 2010, after the Austral!a v!s!t, he was dropped from all arrangements of the amusement and later was th!nk!ng about res!gn!ng !f the selectors keep on !gnor!ng h!m. He was not cons!dered for Br!ta!n v!s!t where the spot-settl!ng adventure occurred because of wh!ch Salman Butt was proh!b!ted, mak!ng a capta!ncy gap !n the group. At that po!nt !n October 2010, shock!ngly he was selected the Pak!stan's Test commander for arrangement aga!nst South Afr!ca !n UAE.
Am!d Pak!stan's voyage through the West !ndependents, M!sbah apprec!ated ach!evement !n the second test coord!nate at Warner Stop as he went ahead to score h!s !n!t!ally test century !n four years. After West Non ma!nstream players arrangement, M!sbah supplanted Shah!d Afr!d! as the restr!cted overs sk!pper after PCB and mentor Waqar Youn!s were despondent w!th Afr!d!'s capta!ncy and unga!nly open explanat!ons.
! need to g!ve full acknowledge to M!sbah as he has balanced out the group and leads from the front. H!s execut!on !s l!kew!se except!onal. He makes the young men feel great and loose so they really make the most of the!r cr!cket. He !s develop and w!ll!ng to tune !n. The ma!n sad th!ng !s the age calculate wh!ch !s not M!sbah's support.
— Pak!stan mentor Waqar Youn!s !n 2011 on M!sbah's capta!ncy.
M!sbah drove the group !n e!ght T20! matches. He won s!x and lost two. He played h!s last T20! coord!nate aga!nst Br!ta!n !n 27 February 2012. After the thrash!ng !n Twenty20 arrangement aga!nst Br!ta!n !n 2012 and feedback from prev!ous cr!cketers, M!sbah ventured down as Pak!stan's Twenty20 ch!ef and Mohammad Hafeez was named h!s successor to lead the group !n Twenty20
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