Al!sha Pradhan bangladeshi actress biography

 Al!sha Pradhan bangladeshi actress biography

Al!sha Pradhan (born twenty two Gregor!an calendar month 1993)!s a Bangladesh! f!lm h!str!on, model, tv presenter and bus!nessperson.

Al!sha Pradhan started her career !n TV commerc!als and ser!als as a young  model, she debuted as a model !n 2008 at age fourteen just for Cova chocolate .She became the young  sensat!on !n TV for few of her notable role as Ad!t! madam from f!rst Date by Mostofa Sarwar Farook! , Honey Bunny from Shopnochura etc. She created her debut !n f!lm as a celeb guest look !n E!to Bhalobasha !n 2013 oppos!te Mamnun Hasan Emon & N!rob. Her !n!t!al f!lm !s Antaranga d!rected by legendary Late Chash! Nazrul !slam, !t had been free on half-dozen November 2015 & that gave her a breakthrough debut !n Dhallywood. Antaranga p!cture show already bagged Al!sha the Nom!nat!on for Best h!str!on & deb !n Mer!l Prothom Alo . Antaranga !s made by Her mother Hosna Pradhan & G!asudd!n beneath the banner Carn!val mov!e & 360 Degree Commun!cat!on ltd.
Early l!fe
Pradhan !s that the g!rl of palmy Bus!ness cosmopol!tan man. Mon!r Pradhan & Hosna Pradhan palmy fem!n!ne bus!nessperson & f!lmmaker. Al!sha’s school!ng was w!ped out w!lles very l!ttle Flower h!ghschool, Dhaka, She completed O' level from Oxford,A Level beneath Edexcel and he or she completed her college boy sem!ster !n camera from Br!t!sh conference table of Bangla Desh.(A level Cand!date of 2012) . whereas grow!ng up as a spo!led k!d w!th Engl!sh med!um background, Al!sha had robust t!me learn!ng the talent of authent!c pure Bangla. W!th Chash! Nazrul !slam 's Support she took e!ght months non stop Bangla vocabulary, pronunc!at!on & accent category from the best poss!ble L!ngu!st!c teacher of Bangla Desh, Mr. Mukherjee etc.

Early career
Al!sha Pradhan could be a tra!ned class!cal and cond!ment dancer. She !s add!t!onally an enormous H!p-hop and Free-Style dance adm!rer. She plays p!ano, str!nged !nstrument & amp; harmony. She down pat the craft of marshal art for her act!on p!cture show !n conjunct!on w!th B!ke r!de & horse r!d!ng. Al!sha Pradhan !s accepted for her magnet!c trendy host presentat!on, she d!d few select!ve programme that actually got her the celebr!ty as a number, !.e. Jege Acho K!, 2013 Bangla Desh Prem!er League BPL Auct!on 2012 Host!ng etc. Her ord!nal f!lm !s Bhul Jod! l!ghter conjo!ntly d!rected by f!lm maker Chash! Nazrul !slam that was presupposed to be Al!sha's f!rst p!cture show however had a late unharness. !t started !n December 2013. !t had been Chash! Nazrul !slam UN agency !nsp!red Al!sha's Mother to support Al!sha !n her med!um career. at !ntervals th!s era Al!sha rejected several Bangla p!cture show offers cause d!rector man!pulated the scr!pt & characters, mov!es l!ke, mayanagar, Jole Bhasha Poddo, Ek joban etc. !n 2014 Hosna Pradhan launched a replacement f!lm product!on house 'Carn!val Mot!on P!ctures' w!th G!sudd!n, that started four new f!lms at a t!me, tak!ng Al!sha Pradhan as lead h!str!on altogether the f!lms.

Al!sha Pradhan Belongs to a really subtle & Well establ!shed fam!ly, sources says she st!ll couldn't mend her relat!on together w!th her father, S!bl!ngs & relat!ves (also !n Abroad) that gone awry when she jo!ned mov!e !ndustry. add!t!onally she had arduous t!me adjust!ng w!th the Bangla F!lm Fratern!ty however her mother forever supports her & that's why Hosna Pradhan add!t!onally has been a loyal Sponsor for the f!lm fratern!ty causes. Al!sha had a Grand Mohorat of her f!rst f!lm 'Bhul Jod! Ho!' that enclosed World Health Organ!zat!onle|the ent!re|the complete|the full|the total} bus!ness & everybody who !s anyone came to bless Al!sha Pradhan.
Other work

!n add!t!on to act!ng !n f!lms, Pradhan has supported several char!table organ!sat!ons, she !s a fervent g!ver World Health Organ!zat!on a!ds a youth NGO "Born To Sm!le". At age of s!xteen, she has taken respons!b!l!ty of 6 youngsters 's educat!on and a!d that she actveley ma!nta!ns. although her father Mon!r Pradhan runs AN NGO s!nce 2004 known as "Amb!t!on system Foundat!on " , !t proves her !nnate Pass!on to square w!th the one World Health Organ!zat!on des!res fac!l!tate. Pradhan !s one !n every of the foremost young prof!c!ent & beaut!ful role player l!ttle quest!on, however not many of us !s aware of however concerned she !s together w!th her every project and the way several sk!lls she has ach!eved. Even !n most of her Mov!es Pradhan styles her own costumes un!tedly w!th Bangladesh! pr!me des!gner Roman de!ty, She forever act!vely fac!l!tate !n choreography & therefore Ass!st every & each creator she has been worked w!th. Pradhan !s understood to !mprov!se lots !n her scenes and that !s the personal magnet!sm why her l!nes are becom!ng p!cked and remembered, for her own d!st!nct!ve b!t. She forever tr!es to support, co operate the d!rector from each s!de doable, be !t AN art d!rector!al suggest!on to props demand to veh!cles. !n most of her mov!es she has been taken the respons!b!l!ty to max!m!se full secur!ty of the complete shoot!ng team, off track on her fam!ly 's recommendat!on. , she has performed !n an exceed!ngly fundra!s!ng event organ!zed by Shelly Manna, partner of Bangladesh! legendary C!nema Hero late Manna !n memory of restor!ng Manna's Contr!but!on to Bangla mov!e !ndustry.

She has been the complete ambassador of many product, as well as Cova chocolate candy, Uro Cola, Cute Beauty Soap !n 2012, LG Fr!dge, Bonoful M!sht!, Uro cola a pa!r of !n 2013, Dhallywood on-l!ne reporters, named her "one of the foremost needed names" w!th!n the Glamour trade.

Pradhan establ!shed herself together of the foremost standard Youth !con celebr!t!es !n Bangla Desh cons!stent w!th Google Trends.

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