Amala Akkineni indian actress

 Amala Akkineni indian actress

Amala Akk!nen! (née Mukherjee) may be a former !nd!an f!lm role player, Bharata Natyam dancer, Assoc!ate !n Nurs!ngd an an!mal welfare act!v!st. She !s best well-known for her works !n Tam!l c!nema, and Telugu c!nema. She has add!t!onally aster!sked !n few South Drav!d!an, Kannada, and mov!e !ndustry f!lms. She has won 2 F!lmfare Awards South, and a C!neMAA Award. Amala !s that the co-founder of The Blue Cross of Hyderabad, a non-government organ!sat!on (NGO) !n Hyderabad, !nd!a, that works towards the welfare of an!mals and preservat!on of an!mal r!ghts !n As!an country.
Early l!fe
Amala was born !n metropol!s to a Bengal! speak!ng father Un!ted Nat!ons agency was a m!l!tary off!cer Assoc!ate !n Nurs!ngd an !r!sh mother. She holds a Bachelor of F!ne Arts degree !n Bharata Natyam from Kalakshetra faculty of f!ne arts, supported by Rukm!n! H!ndu de!ty Arundale. She gave several l!ve performances worldw!de. She was later on persuaded to h!tch f!lms by T. Rajender Un!ted Nat!ons agency v!s!ted her home together w!th h!s s!ster and conv!nced her mother to let her act w!th!n the f!lm wh!ch m!ght be a class!cal f!lm that !ncludes her Bharat Natyam dance.

Personal l!fe
Amala !s marr!ed to Telugu F!lm actor Akk!nen! Nagarjuna !n 1992 and also the couple features a son, actor Akk!nen! Akh!l. They presently sleep !n Hyderabad. She !s that the step-mother of actor Kamarupan Cha!tanya. !n Assoc!ate !n Nurs!ng !nterv!ew w!th The H!ndu, she c!ted her greatest worry as not "walk!ng the talk" once !t !nvolves soc!al problems. She add!t!onally h!ghl!ghted that her greatest regret !sn't speak!ng Telugu well. 

Amala created her debut !n an exceed!ngly Tam!l f!lm t!tled Myth!l! Enna! Kaathal! d!rected by T. Rajendar, that was an enormous box workplace h!t. W!nn!ng long fame, she charmed c!negoers !n an exceed!ngly flurry of f!fty f!lms, as well as var!ety of Tam!l box workplace h!ts. She acted along w!th her future husband Akk!nen! Nagarjuna !n h!ts l!ke N!rnayam and S!va. She rece!ved F!lmfare Award for Best role player – South Drav!d!an for her ww f!lm Ulladakkam.

She qu!t act!ng !n 1992 follow!ng her wedd!ng to Nagarjuna, however created a comeback !n 2012 w!th the Telugu f!lm L!fe !s gorgeous. She rece!ved a C!neMAA Award for Best Outstand!ng role player and Telugu class F!lm Fare Award for best support!ng role player !n 2013 for her portrayal.
F!lmfare Awards South
1991 : F!lmfare Award for Best role player – Ulladakkam
2012 : F!lmfare Award for Best Support!ng role player – Telugu – L!fe !s gorgeous

C!neMAA Awards
2012 : Best Outstand!ng role player – L!fe !s gorgeous   

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