arfin shuvo bangladeshi popular actor
arfin shuvo bangladeshi popular actor
Ar!f!n Shuvo, born Aref!n Shuvo; a pa!r of Gregor!an calendar month 1982), may be a Bangladesh! f!lm actor and tv temperament. he's a rec!p!ent of many awards and nom!nat!ons, as well as 2 Mer!l Prothom Alo Awards.
Shuvo created h!s debut !n 2007, show!ng !n tv ser!es Ha/Na before show!ng !n h!s !n!t!al f!lm Jaago - Dare To Dream (2010). He created a debut !nto thought c!nema w!th Purno Do!rgho Prem Kah!n! (2013). H!s role was apprec!ated by each aud!ences and cr!t!cs. For h!s negat!ve role w!th!n the f!lm, He rece!ved nom!nat!on !n Best V!lla!n class at Mer!l Prothom Alo Awards. He later went on to star !n Bhalobasha Z!ndabad (2013) and romant!c act!on f!lm Agnee (2014). !n 2015, h!s performance !n Chuye D!le Mon has brought !n!t!al t!me Mer!l Prothom Alo Awards publ!cally class for h!mself. He marked !n Musaf!r !n 2016.
Shuvo started h!s career by show!ng !n tv commerc!als before land!ng cont!nual roles !n TV ser!es l!ke Ha/Na (2007) and !z Equal 2 (2008). H!s f!lm career started w!th the sports based mostly f!lm Jaago - Dare To Dream (2010), and he got h!s breakthrough !n h!s second f!lm Purnodo!rgho Prem Kah!n! (2013), wherever he compete the antagon!st. !n 2014, Shuvoo marked !n Agnee that became the very best gross!ng Bangladesh! f!lm of all t!me. Shuvoo has rece!ved cruc!al approval for h!s add f!lms as Jaago - Dare To Dream, and Taarkata (2013).[4][5] He w!th success worked on Chuye D!le Mon and Warn!ng.
Shuvo started h!s career by show!ng !n tv commerc!als before land!ng cont!nual roles !n TV ser!es l!ke Ha/Na (2007) and !z Equal 2 (2008). H!s f!lm career started w!th the sports based mostly f!lm Jaago - Dare To Dream (2010), and he got h!s breakthrough !n h!s second f!lm Purnodo!rgho Prem Kah!n! (2013), wherever he compete the antagon!st. !n 2014, Shuvoo marked !n Agnee that became the very best gross!ng Bangladesh! f!lm of all t!me. Shuvoo has rece!ved cruc!al approval for h!s add f!lms as Jaago - Dare To Dream, and Taarkata (2013).[4][5] He w!th success worked on Chuye D!le Mon and Warn!ng.
2007–2009: tv
Shuvo created h!s act!ng debut !n 2007, w!th look !n Mostofa Sarwar Farook!'s tv ser!es Ha/Na, He p!ctured at!ny low role w!th!n the tv ser!es before that !ncludes !n Ser!ous Ekta Kotha Ache aboard Mosharraf Kar!m. H!s performance was pra!sed by Cr!t!cs. Shuvoo stayed !n tv t!ll 2009 before lead!ng !n h!s debut F!lm Jaago - Dare To Dream.
2009–2013: Debut and breakthrough
2007–2009: tv
Shuvo created h!s act!ng debut !n 2007, w!th look !n Mostofa Sarwar Farook!'s tv ser!es Ha/Na, He p!ctured at!ny low role w!th!n the tv ser!es before that !ncludes !n Ser!ous Ekta Kotha Ache aboard Mosharraf Kar!m. H!s performance was pra!sed by Cr!t!cs. Shuvoo stayed !n tv t!ll 2009 before lead!ng !n h!s debut F!lm Jaago - Dare To Dream.
2009–2013: Debut and breakthrough
Shuvo created h!s f!lm debut !n 2010, w!th Kh!j!r Hayat Khan's sports drama f!lm Jaago - Dare To Dream, Co-starr!ng aboard Ferdous Ahmed and Afsana Ara B!ndu, though the f!lm was an advert fa!lure, Shuvoo's performance was apprec!ated by cr!t!cs and aud!ences. Shuvoo created a breakthrough by lead!ng !n Shaf! Udd!n's Purno Do!rgho Prem Kah!n!; wherever he compete a task of assoc!ate antagon!st. The f!lm was an enormous success commerc!ally and h!s performance was extremely pra!sed by cr!t!cs.
Shuvo next aster!sked !n Debash!sh B!swas' Bhalobasha Z!ndabad aboard A!r!n Sultana, the f!lm's bus!ness success earned Ar!f!n Shuvo several apprec!at!on from cr!t!cs.
!n 2014, Ar!f!n Shuvo was 1st seen !n !ftakar Chowdhury's act!on adventure story Agnee, aboard Mah!ya Mah!, the f!lm was a large success and later v!s!ted become the best gross!ng Bangladesh! f!lm of 2014, however, Shuvoo's performance earned h!m several apprec!at!on, part!cularly from the aud!ences. He next started !n m!ll!meter Kamal Raj's Taarkata, Cr!t!cs op!n!on on the f!lm was m!xed to negat!ve and rece!ved a m!xed react!on from aud!ence. The f!lm was an ad fa!lure. H!s next project, Ash!qur Rahman's K!st!maat,Co-start!ng Achol, wherever he plays the role of a cop was a large success at box workplace and was cr!t!cally a h!t. The f!lm was one among the h!ghest-gross!ng f!lms of 2014.
!n 2014, Ar!f!n Shuvo was 1st seen !n !ftakar Chowdhury's act!on adventure story Agnee, aboard Mah!ya Mah!, the f!lm was a large success and later v!s!ted become the best gross!ng Bangladesh! f!lm of 2014, however, Shuvoo's performance earned h!m several apprec!at!on, part!cularly from the aud!ences. He next started !n m!ll!meter Kamal Raj's Taarkata, Cr!t!cs op!n!on on the f!lm was m!xed to negat!ve and rece!ved a m!xed react!on from aud!ence. The f!lm was an ad fa!lure. H!s next project, Ash!qur Rahman's K!st!maat,Co-start!ng Achol, wherever he plays the role of a cop was a large success at box workplace and was cr!t!cally a h!t. The f!lm was one among the h!ghest-gross!ng f!lms of 2014.
!n 2015, He started !n Sh!hab Shaheen's romant!c drama f!lm Chuye D!le Mon, aboard Zak!a urban center Momo, the f!lm and h!s performance was extremely apprec!ated by each Cr!t!cs and Aud!ence. He f!lm was a large success commerc!ally. The f!lm rece!ved three.5/5 from b!oscopeblog and was g!ven e!ght.8/10 rat!ng on !MDB. The f!lm was add!t!onally a large success abroad. He next went on beg!nn!ng !n Shaf! Udd!n's Warn!ng aboard Mah!ya Mah!. The f!lm was a moderate success commerc!ally. he's presently operat!ng mult!ple comes w!th Ash!qur Rahman's Musaf!r awa!t!ng unleash. The Ost!tto !s another h!t mot!on p!cture of Ar!f!n Shuvo, that d!scharged on the pr!mary week of could, 2016.
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