Dilruba Yeasmin Runi Bangladeshi Actress
Dilruba Yeasmin Runi Bangladeshi Actress
D!lruba Yasmeen Ruhee (born 1988) may be a Bangladesh! model and role player.
Early l!fe
Ruhee was born !n Dhaka, Bangladesh. She stud!ed sc!ence at Agran! college and school however later mod!f!ed her stud!es to soc!al sc!ence. w!th!n the !n the meant!me, she took short courses !n fash!on style. wh!le !n school s!x or seven, she des!gned garments for her ne!ghbours, and s!nce the age of s!xteen, she has des!gned her own garments. !n 2009, she graduated w!th a degree !n soc!al sc!ence from North South Un!vers!ty.
Modell!ng career
Modell!ng career
Ruhee started her career as a model. creat!ve person Farque Helal and des!gner Emdad Haq 1st recogn!sed Ruhee's potent!al !n 2006 and ushered her !nto modell!ng for the ramp, med!um and telev!s!on bus!ness model. !n March 2006, she started modell!ng, Banglar Mela was her 1st work. !n 2007, she was 1st detected once she was hand-p!cked as a model for her 1st tv ad, for Parachute ha!rdress!ng, created by Am!tabh Reza. She was add!t!onally forged !n Grameenphone Xplore's ad, created by Abed Maull!ck. She add!t!onally worked on an ad for D!amond World jewellery, created by Sohel Arman, El!te Pa!nt and Hyunda!. !ns!de 2 years, Ruhee had worked for several far-famed corporat!ons.
Ruhee has worked as model for fash!on homes l!ke Bangler Mela, Mayas!r, Kay Kraft, Dress!del, Mantra and Arong. She has add!t!onally worked as a model !n West Bengal. S!nce January 2014, she has worked as a complete ambassador for Joconde.
Act!ng career
!n 2007, Ruhee started act!ng !n tv dramas. Her debut tv drama (Bangla natok) was Opor!ch!ta, supported Rab!ndranath Tagore's story and d!rected by Ahmed Shushmoy. She then sh!fted her focus !nto Dhallywood f!lms (Bangladesh! Bangla C!nema) and worked !n f!lms. She acted !n Shah!dujamman Sel!m's Br!tter Bh!tore Eka, Ahmed Shushmoy's Shopnomukh, R!pon Nab!'s Ochena Manush, G!ashudd!n Sel!m's Obogunthon (wr!tten by Monju Sarkar a couple of fem!n!ne entrepreneur) and Love. She was the lead role as Gulbahar, a g!rl w!th 2 k!ds (a role that she had to ach!eve twelve metr!c we!ght un!t for). Another tv product!on was Shondha by G!saudd!n Sel!m, wherever she compete a organ!zat!on employee. She add!t!onally worked w!th d!rector Abu Sayeed !n a very drama t!tled Jonmo Amar, that was !mpressed by the East Pak!stan L!berat!on War and nat!onal!sm. She has add!t!onally worked !n G!asudd!n Sel!m's tv drama Obogunthoon, that garnered her qual!ty.
The f!rst f!lm Ruhee s!gned for was a Kolkata-based f!lm. For numerous reasons the work has been delayed. W!th Parambrata Chatterjee, she worked on 2 d!fferent Tollywood f!lms referred to as Sporsho and Glamour. On Mohua Chakrabarty's Glamour, Ruhee !s enacted the role of a ass!stant co-starr!ng Prambrata, and !t had been her 1st break !n !nd!an mov!e !ndustry.
Her !n!t!al f!lm to be d!scharged was Munsur Al!'s Shongram, a per!od!c f!lm supported the war of !ndependence and set w!th!n the per!od of ’71 !n As!an nat!on wherever she enacted the role of a H!ndu g!rl UN agency could be a rape v!ct!m. The f!lm was regard!ng however p!t!less !nd!v!duals w!ll become and the way g!rls fall prey !n any confl!ct. Another one amongst her f!lms !s Mayanagar, d!rected by Shant! Chowdhury and co-starr!ng model N!pun, regard!ng the stra!n between a woman's relat!onsh!p and her career, her character !s a world manak!n UN agency owns a modell!ng agency wherever she grooms forthcom!ng models, Vogue was concerned w!th!n the project. Her th!rd f!lm !s psycholog!cal adventure story Zero Degree, that was created by An!mesh A!ch, and co-starr!ng Mahfuz Ahmed and Joya Ahsan, she plays the mother of a son UN agency d!es !n Assoc!ate !n Nurs!ng acc!dent and her husband loses stab!l!ty and blames her and sets bent on take revenge on her. She worked w!th Br!t!sh-Bangladesh! d!rector, Am!nul !slam Bapp!, !n a very f!lm referred to as 3 embezzled, that !s regard!ng those who go abroad for a more robust l!fe tho' embezzled suggests that, her character !s Assoc!ate !n Nurs!ng expat from the un!ted k!ngdom UN agency helps embezzled !mm!grants real!ze ways that to become legal. !n February 2015, Glamour and 0 Degree were each d!scharged.
!n June 2014, Ruhee was !nterv!ewed by Nad!a Al! on BBC As!an Network. !n Sep 2015, she's go!ng to host the London Bengal! fest!val (LBFF).
Personal l!fe
Personal l!fe
!n December 2011 whereas engaged on the f!lm Shongram, Ruhee met and have become shut fr!ends w!th Br!t!sh f!lm producer Munsur Al!. On three Sep 2014, Ruhee marr!ed Al! !n Dacca, Bangladesh, th!s was followed by a gaye holud ceremony on four Sep and a marr!age recept!on on f!ve Sep.Ruhee d!v!des her t!me between Dacca and London.
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