younus khan best pakistani cricketer biography

younus khan best pakistani cricketer

Younus Khan (conce!ved 29 November 1977, Mardan, Pak!stan) !s a Pak!stan! cr!cketer and prev!ous sk!pper of the Pak!stan nat!onal cr!cket group. Generally v!ewed as one of the best batsmen to ever play for Pak!stan, Youn!s holds the record for the most runs and the most hundreds of years scored by a pak!stan! !n test cr!cket. He was the f!rst and f!nal Test cr!cketer to score a century !n every one of the 11 nat!ons that have fac!l!tated Test Matches. He !s add!t!onally qu!te recently the th!rd Pak!stan! player to score at least 300 keeps runn!ng !n an !nn!ngs. He drove Pak!stan to the!r tr!umph !n the 2009 !CC World Twenty20.

On 10 Walk 2010, Youn!s, alongs!de colleague Mohammad Yousuf were suspended from play!ng by the Pak!stan Cr!cket Board tak!ng after a request report wh!ch recommended they were !ncluded !n ruptures of teach by !nst!gat!ng d!v!s!ons !ns!de the group. The boycott was l!fted three months after the fact. !n a test coord!nate aga!nst Austral!a start!ng on the 22 October 2014, Youn!s made h!s 25th and 26th hundreds of years !n a s!m!lar match, w!nd!ng up not!ceably s!mply the s!xth Pak!stan! to do as such. On 25 June 2015, Youn!s Khan turned !nto the f!fth Pak!stan! cr!cketer to play 100 Test matches and on 13 October 2015, he turned !nto Pak!stan's most astound!ng run scorer !n Test cr!cket, break!ng Javed M!andads of 8,832 runs. He res!gned from OD! cr!cket !n November of 2015. 

On the 23th of Apr!l 2017, he turned !nto the pr!mary Pak!stan! and th!rteenth s!nce forever batsmen to score 10,000 keeps runn!ng !n Test cr!cket. He turned !nto the most seasoned and 6th qu!ckest batsmen to ach!eve 10,000 runs po!nt of reference as for !nn!ngs played. 

!nd!v!dual l!fe 

Youn!s Khan wedded Amna on 30 Walk 2007.They have three k!ds: a ch!ld and two daughters.The!r ch!ld Owa!s was conce!ved on 26 December 2007.

Youn!s needed to manage var!ous pass!ngs !n h!s fam!ly am!d 2005 and 2006. Pr!or !n 2005 he needed to fly over from a v!s!t to Austral!a after h!s dad had passed on. Later !n the year am!d Br!ta!n's v!s!t to Pak!stan, Youn!s' eldest s!bl!ng, Mohammed Shar!f Khan, who !n Youn!s' words, shown h!m to play cr!cket, passed on matured 41 !n an auto crash !n Ukra!ne. Another more seasoned s!bl!ng, Farman Al! Khan was just 39 when he was executed !n an auto coll!s!on !n Germany !n December 2006. 

Youn!s was batt!ng !n the second OD! aga!nst West !ndependents !n Fa!salabad when the news of h!s s!bl!ng's pass!ng ach!eved the group adm!n!strat!on. Youn!s just came to th!nk about the c!rcumstance after he came back to the structure toward the f!n!sh of h!s !nn!ngs. Youn!s !nstantly left for the place where he grew up Mardan and d!d not take an !nterest !n any of the rest of the matches.

Youn!s l!kew!se sa!d h!s pa!n at the dem!se of Weave Woolmer !n Walk 2007 after Pak!stan's ex!t from the World Glass. He expressed that he cons!dered Weave to be a father f!gure after the loss of h!s own dad and that he could !mpart numerous !nd!v!dual contemplat!ons to the cr!cket mentor. 

Am!d a voyage through the West Non ma!nstream players !n May 2011, Youn!s was offered consent to return home r!ght on t!me because of the dem!se of h!s sen!or s!bl!ng Shamshad Khan !n Germany. 

He !s known to apprec!ate angl!ng, when not play!ng cr!cket. 

On Monday 25 August 2014 Saad Khan ch!ld of Saeed Khan and nephew of prev!ous Pak!stan sk!pper Youn!s Khan k!cked the bucket. 


Worldw!de profess!on 

Youn!s Khan made h!s worldw!de !ntroduct!on !n an OD! aga!nst Sr! Lanka at Karach! !n February 2000, and has s!nce played more than 150 OD!s for Pak!stan. He has add!t!onally played !n more than 100 Test matches. Youn!s was one of only a handful few batsmen who held h!s place !n the group after Pak!stan's sad World Conta!ner crusade !n 2003, yet lost !t not long after because of a str!ng of poor scores !n the home arrangement aga!nst Bangladesh and South Afr!ca. He returned for the one-day arrangement aga!nst !nd!a, yet neglected to concrete a place !n the Test s!de.

!t was h!s arr!val to the s!de !n October 2004, at the v!tal one-down, aga!nst Sr! Lanka !n Karach! that la!d the preparat!on for h!s development as a compel !n Pak!stan cr!cket. Youn!s was the top run-getter !n the heartbreak!ng 3–0 wh!tewash !n Austral!a !nstantly after and on the voyage through !nd!a, for wh!ch he was ho!sted to bad hab!t sk!pper. After a loathsomeness beg!n to the arrangement, he returned f!rmly, topp!ng th!ngs off w!th 267 !n the last Test. !t was h!s most elevated Test score that fell off 504 balls !n the ma!n !nn!ngs, to set up an arrangement level!ng tr!umph !n Bangalore. 

As!de from be!ng an expert batsman, Youn!s !s add!t!onally a talented sl!p defender and an except!onally !nterm!ttent leg-turn bowler. Once, Cra!g McM!llan h!t Youn!s for 26 runs, 4 6 4 !n a more than, a then world record, am!d th!rd Test at Westpac Put stock !n Stop, Ham!lton. He has performed espec!ally well on outs!de grounds, !nclud!ng on voyages through Austral!a, !nd!a, Br!ta!n and Sr! Lanka. !n the s!x Tests he has played aga!nst !nd!a, Youn!s m!dpo!nts an extraord!nary 106, the most elevated normal aga!nst !nd!a by a Pak!stan! cr!cketer. As!de from h!s 267 at Bangalore, Youn!s add!t!onally made 147 at Kolkata !n 2005 and a couple of hundreds of years am!d !nd!a's excurs!on to Pak!stan !n 2006. All the more cr!t!cally, the v!s!t to !nd!a add!t!onally exh!b!ted h!s potent!al as a future commander of Pak!stan and h!s l!vely and keen !n!t!at!ve has awed many !nd!v!duals. L!kew!se !n 2006, Youn!s made a century !n the th!rd Test aga!nst Br!ta!n at Head!ngley. On 22 January 2007, he scored a matchw!nn!ng 67 not out !n the fourth !nn!ngs to gu!de Pak!stan to tr!umph over South Afr!ca !n Port El!zabeth. The f!ve w!cket w!n leveled the arrangement at 1–1.

!n 2005, he was one of the 15 cand!dates for the !CC Test Player of the Year. He !s the second speed!est Pak!stan! as far as !nn!ngs to ach!eve 4000 Tr!als, beh!nd Javed M!andad. Youn!s ach!eved the turn!ng po!nt !n 87 !nn!ngs, only one more than Sach!n Tendulkar took. 

Youn!s Khan beat the !CC's Test Batt!ng Rank!ngs !n February 2009 after an accla!med !nn!ngs of 313 !n h!s !n!t!ally Test as ch!ef, dur!ng the t!me spent spar!ng the match for Pak!stan. H!s pos!t!on!ng score of 880 !s the th!rd most noteworthy accompl!shed by a Pak!stan! batsmen after Mohammad Yousuf (933), Javed M!andad (885) and only !n front of !nzamam-ul-Haq (870). 

Capta!ncy c!rcumstance 

He !n!t!ally drove Pak!stan aga!nst the West !ndependents !n 2005. !n September 2006, he was offered the pos!t!on of ch!ef for the 2006 !CC Champ!ons Trophy, tak!ng after the suspens!on of !nzamam ul Haq. He turned down the offer, express!ng he would not l!ke to be a "spur!ous ch!ef". Nonetheless, on the morn!ng of 7 October 2006, the Pak!stan Cr!cket Board declared that Khan would lead h!s group !n the compet!t!on. Tak!ng after the abd!cat!on of !nzamam after the Pak!stan's ex!t from the 2007 Cr!cket World Glass, Khan was offered the capta!ncy cons!stently, yet he turned !t down. He faulted the !rate response by the Pak!stan! open to the group's !n!t!al ex!t from the compet!t!on. 

After Pak!stan's 2–1 thrash!ng to Sr! Lanka !n 2009, PCB adm!n!strator !jaz Butt selected Youn!s Khan as the perpetual commander of both the Test and OD! groups. The arrangement ended up not!ceably successful start!ng at 27 January 2009. Not long after tolerat!ng the post, Youn!s was c!ted as say!ng, "! w!ll attempt and settle th!ngs that aren't comfortable m!nute... ! need our group to be pred!ctable most !mportantly, !n all that we do and that w!ll requ!re everybody to put the!r hands up." Youn!s went ahead to state that he expects full support from prev!ous commander Shoa!b Mal!k whom he called a sen!or player !n the s!de. 

PSL Comm!tment 

He contr!buted as a coach for Peshawar Zalm! Group !n 2017 PSL. 

Renunc!at!on from capta!ncy 

Khan surrendered as sk!pper on 13 October 2009 because of a parl!amentary exam!nat!on concern!ng match settl!ng that was charged to have occurred am!d h!s rule. Regardless of be!ng cleared !n the exam!nat!on, Khan sa!d "Yes ! have presented my abd!cat!on s!nce ! am appalled by these match-settl!ng charges made aga!nst me and the group."

Khan add!t!onally dropped a catch of Allow Ell!ott !n the 2009 !CC Champ!ons Trophy sem!-last. He had a ha!r-l!ne crack !n h!s f!nger preced!ng the match. Later PCB D!rector asked for Khan to recla!m h!s acqu!escence and Khan d!d !t under h!s cond!t!ons. Be that as !t may, subsequent to capta!n!ng the group for a three-coord!nate arrangement aga!nst New Zealand Youn!s enjoyed a repr!eve for Test coord!nates !n New Zealand and the arrangement !n Austral!a the capta!ncy was g!ven to Mohammad Yousuf and from that po!nt forward Youn!s has not capta!ned the nat!onal group. 

Post-capta!ncy: sack!ng, !nconven!ences and return (2010) 

Youn!s Khan's outcomes !n worldw!de matches 

Matches Won Lost   Drawn T!ed No result 

Test   115           44           27            0             – 

OD!         265          149   109            -           7 

T20! 25 17 8 -

Youn!s' profess!on after he surrendered the capta!ncy proceeded on a downwards w!nd!ng as he was restr!cted on 10 Walk 2010. Pak!stan Cr!cket Board declared that Youn!s Khan had been proh!b!ted uncerta!nly to !nf!ght!ng "wh!ch cut down the ent!re group am!d the voyage through Austral!a !n January". H!s boycott was however upset three months after the fact !n June 2010. !n sp!te of be!ng cleared of any wrongdo!ng, Youn!s was not chosen for the arrangement aga!nst Br!ta!n. Pak!stan kept on angu!sh v!s!t batt!ng crumples aga!nst Br!ta!n !n Test cr!cket. Th!s put the Pak!stan Cr!cket Board under we!ght to reestabl!sh Youn!s to the amusement. Around a s!m!lar t!me, Pak!stan! batsman and Test Ch!ef Salman Butt was suspended on charges of be!ng requ!red !n spot-settl!ng. Th!s brought about a few prev!ous commanders !nclud!ng Mo!n Khan and Zaheer Abbas need!ng Youn!s reestabl!shed to the Test group as sk!pper. However the Pak!stan Cr!cket Board d!d not clear Youn!s Khan for determ!nat!on on the voyages through South Afr!ca !n 2010. !n sp!te of be!ng the pr!mary dec!s!on for capta!ncy, the choos!ng board Mohs!n Khan reported that M!sbah-ul-Haq was rev!ewed and made ch!ef. !nd!cat!ons of a change !n the relat!onsh!p of the Pak!stan Cr!cket Board and Youn!s Khan started to develop after the board reached Youn!s to poss!bly be chosen for the v!s!t Aga!nst South Afr!ca !n October 2010 

On 31 August 2010, the Every day Transm!t !n !ts news art!cle spec!f!ed that Youn!s Khan was related w!th aff!rmed coord!nate f!xer Mazhar Majeed. Youn!s deb!l!tated to sue the Every day Transm!t over the

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