Aditi Gowitrikar indian actress cuty

 Aditi Gowitrikar indian actress cuty

Aditi Gowitrikar (born twenty one might 1976) is associate Indian model, thespian and a doctor. She won the Gladrags Megamodel Contest in 1996, and also the Gladrags Mrs. Republic of India afterwards winning Mrs. World contest in 2001, and appeared actually tv series, Bigg Boss (Season 3).

Gowitrikar was born in Panvel, geographic region. She did her schooling in Barns highschool in Panvel and her MBBS at Grant Medical faculty in metropolis and graduated in 1997. She started doing her MD in gynecology and medical specialty once finishing her MBBS, however couldn't end it as she got into the sector of modelling.

She started her career as a model once winning the Gladrags Megamodel Contest in 1996. She conjointly won the simplest body and best face prizes at the Asian Super Model Contest in 1997. She sculptured for corporations like Ponds and appeared in TV commercials, as well as her vastly well-liked dope ad with Hrithik Roshan.

Since winning Mrs. World 2001, Gowitrikar continuing modeling and conjointly appeared in minor roles in a very range of Bollywood and South Indian films. She has acted within the Hindi TV serial Ye Meri Life Hai and took part actually tv series such worry issue - Khatron Ke Khiladi (2008) hosted by Akshay Kumar, and within the reality tv series, Bigg Boss (Season 3) (2009).
Personal life
Despite early parental opposition, she married a Sunni grad school senior, Dr. Muffazal Lakdawalla, whom she met whereas still in faculty and dated for over seven years. The couple married in 1998 beneath each civil and Muslim law and once her conversion to Islam, she took the name wife Lakdawala. they need a female offspring Kiara, UN agency was born in 1999. The couple had another baby recently in might 2007.

She is currently unmarried  from Dr Muffazal Lakdawala.

Gowitrikar incorporates a younger sister, Arzoo Gowitrikar, UN agency is associate physics engineer-turned-actress. She conjointly incorporates a younger brother Alpan Gowitrikar UN agency is nine years younger than her and is her personal assistant.In the show Kalakarz as being the choose she did not just like the judgements, she needed Richa Tiwari from Sagar, Madhya Pradesh to win that later she did within the final spherical by Gowitrikar's judgement.

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