aditi shama is an indian actress

 aditi shama is an indian actress

Ad!t! Sharma (born twenty four August 1983) could be a mov!e !ndustry h!str!on, UN agency appeared !n Mausam and g!rls vs R!cky Bahl. !n Gregor!an calendar month 2015 she started her 1st TV ser!es Gangaa on &TV dur!ng a lead role as full-grown up Gangaa. Shukla a toddler w!dow along w!th her co-star V!shal Vash!shtha UN agency portrays the role of Gangaa's soulmate Sagar.

Early l!fe
Ad!t! Sharma was born !n Lucknow on twenty four August 1983. Her father !s Dr. D. Sharma and her mother !s An!la Sharma. Her father !s funct!on!ng !n Ad!tya B!rla Hosp!tal !n !ndo gulf that !s non-publ!c adm!n!strat!ve d!v!s!on close to Jagd!shpur

She !s that the w!nner of talent-hunt show known as !nd!a's Best C!nestars K! Khoj that prem!ered on alphabet!c character TV !n 2004. w!th!n the terr!bly 1st season

Ad!t! has featured !n advert!sements for numerous brands l!ke 'Tata Sky', 'Dom!nos P!zza', 'Colgate', 'Fa!r & Lovely', 'Parachute O!l', 'Bank of !nd!a', 'Stayfree', 'Tan!shq', 'Moov', 'Br!tann!a', 'Rel!ance' and 'Tata Venture'.

From Gregor!an calendar month fourteenth ahead H!ndu de!ty plays the character of Gangaa she has replaced k!d actor Ruhana Khanna UN agency contend k!d Gangaa !n Gangaa a toddler w!dow UN agency !s def!ned w!th the unconquerable sp!r!t and also the can to surv!ve. However, her sp!r!t and res!l!ance ensures that she emerges as a w!nner. at the s!de of the story portrays her large love for Sagar (played by V!shal Vash!shtha)

She was pra!sed for her act!ng !n Mausam. Bolly Dhame !n the!r rev!ew state that "Ad!t! Sharma excels dur!ng a temporary role." mov!e !ndustry L!fe states that "Sonam appearance attract!ve, w!th reasonably !dent!cal a!r that the old-world hero!nes had, however must learn to play w!th the eyes !nstead of the mouth. A surpr!se and marvelous package !s H!ndu de!ty Sharma as Rajjo, the Punjab! woman !n Shah!d’s l!fe, !t'd are smart to exam!ne add!t!onal of her". The aps!s states that "!t’s the oppos!te woman, the sp!r!ted Punjab! kud! Rajjo, !n Shah!d’s l!fe contend by H!ndu de!ty Sharma, UN agency f!lls up the l!ttle area prov!ded to her character."

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