ambika indian actress and model
ambika indian actress and model
Amb!ka (born s!xteen August 1962) !s assoc!ate !nd!an f!lm actor legendary for her works preponderantly !n Malayalam, Tam!l, Kannada, Telugu f!lms. She was one amongst the h!ghest hero!nes for a decade from 1978 to 1989. Her younger s!ster, Radha, was add!t!onally assoc!ate actor. They acted along dur!ng a range of south !nd!an f!lms and through the he!ght of the!r careers they closely-held a f!lm stud!o referred to as "ARS Stud!os". !n 2013 they regenerate ARS Stud!os to a bu!ld!ng advanced.
Personal l!fe
Amb!ka was born on s!xteen August 1962 to Kunjan Na!r and Sarasamma at Kallara v!llage s!tuated !n Tr!vandrum d!str!ct. Her mother Kallara Sarasamma !s g!ft Mah!la Congress leader. She has 2 younger s!sters, Radha and Mall!ka, and 2 younger brothers, Arjun and Suresh. actor Amb!ka marr!ed NR! Sh!nu John !n 1988 and m!grated to USA. they need 2 sons, Ramkeshav and R!sh!kesh. However, the couple got unmarr!ed w!th!n the year 1997 and Amb!ka came back to As!an country to resume her act!ng career. She went on to marry actor Rav!kanth w!th!n the year 2000. However, th!s wedd!ng, too, led to a d!vorce !n 2002. Currently, Amb!ka res!des !n c!ty bes!de h!s elder son Ramkesav.
Amb!ka was born on s!xteen August 1962 to Kunjan Na!r and Sarasamma at Kallara v!llage s!tuated !n Tr!vandrum d!str!ct. Her mother Kallara Sarasamma !s g!ft Mah!la Congress leader. She has 2 younger s!sters, Radha and Mall!ka, and 2 younger brothers, Arjun and Suresh. actor Amb!ka marr!ed NR! Sh!nu John !n 1988 and m!grated to USA. they need 2 sons, Ramkeshav and R!sh!kesh. However, the couple got unmarr!ed w!th!n the year 1997 and Amb!ka came back to As!an country to resume her act!ng career. She went on to marry actor Rav!kanth w!th!n the year 2000. However, th!s wedd!ng, too, led to a d!vorce !n 2002. Currently, Amb!ka res!des !n c!ty bes!de h!s elder son Ramkesav.
She has acted w!th actors altogether languages together w!th Madhu, Kamal Haasan, Prem Naz!r, Jayan, Shankar, Sukumaran, M. G. Soman, Jose, Ratheesh, Mammootty, Mohanlal !n Malayalam; S!vaj! Ganesan, Raj!n!kanth, S!vakumar, V!jayakanth, Bhagyaraj, Mohan, Sathyaraj, Prabhu, Karth!k Muthuraman !n Tam!l; NTR, Akk!nen! Nageswara Rao, Mural! Mohan, Mohan Babu, Kr!shna, Kr!shnamraju !n Telugu and w!th Rajkumar, V!shnuvardhan, Ambar!sh, Sr!nath, Anant Nag, Shankar Nag, Rav!chandran, Prabhakar !n Kanarese.
She has acted w!th actors altogether languages together w!th Madhu, Kamal Haasan, Prem Naz!r, Jayan, Shankar, Sukumaran, M. G. Soman, Jose, Ratheesh, Mammootty, Mohanlal !n Malayalam; S!vaj! Ganesan, Raj!n!kanth, S!vakumar, V!jayakanth, Bhagyaraj, Mohan, Sathyaraj, Prabhu, Karth!k Muthuraman !n Tam!l; NTR, Akk!nen! Nageswara Rao, Mural! Mohan, Mohan Babu, Kr!shna, Kr!shnamraju !n Telugu and w!th Rajkumar, V!shnuvardhan, Ambar!sh, Sr!nath, Anant Nag, Shankar Nag, Rav!chandran, Prabhakar !n Kanarese.
K. Bhagyaraj !ntroduced Amb!ka !n h!s f!lm Antha Ezhu Naatkal. She has been acted aboard Kamal Hassan and Raj!n!kanth !n several mov!es and appeared !n exc!t!ng roles !n mov!es rem!n!scent of Kaakk! Satta!, V!kram, Kadhal Par!su, Pad!kkadhavan and Maaveeran. Most of her f!lms are w!th actors rem!n!scent of Raj!n!kanth, Shankar, Mohanlal, Ambar!sh, V!shnuvardhan, Rajkumar, Mammootty and V!jayakanth.
She had a awfully successful career !n Tam!l, Kanarese and Malayalam mov!es throughout the E!ght!es. !n Tam!l and Malayalam, she took on a couple of dar!ng roles that showcased her sk!llfulness and talent. !n Kannada, however, she appeared !n several roles and songs that were character!st!c by be!ng t!t!llat!ng nonetheless tasteful. Her hot ra!n songs w!th V!shnuvardhan ar shown oftent!mes !n hour Masala telev!s!on show and ar thought of groundbreak!ng !n terms of dar!ng, beaut!ful assoc!ated reveal!ng !n an otherw!se conservat!ve bus!ness.
!n Tam!l, Amb!ka shot to fame w!th the f!lm Kakk! Chatta!. w!th!n the celest!al po!nt of her career she was pa!red w!th!n the same f!lm together w!th her s!ster Radha !n Kadhal Par!su, wherever each actresses !ncontestable the!r act!ng art!stry by se!z!ng roles of 2 young, lovely s!sters, World Health Organ!zat!on had robust, nonetheless confl!ct!ng personal!t!es.
After she got unmarr!ed , she came back to As!an country from U.S later !n 1997 and began act!ng once more !n f!lms l!ke Per!yamanushan w!th Sathyaraj dur!ng a exc!t!ng role, Maa Naanak! Pell! !n Telugu and w!th Kr!shnam raju and S!mmadamar! !n Kanarese. She acted as hero!ne !n V!karaman’s project Mar!yatha!, dur!ng wh!ch V!jayakanth acted !n father and son roles bes!de Meena and Meera Jasm!n. She acted !n Malayalam f!lms l!ke Angel John w!th Mohanlal, Thanthonn!, Sadgamaya and !s currently[when?] add!t!onal act!ve do!ng TV ser!als.
She has acted !n several advert!sements.She could be a des!gner too.She has judged several real!ty shows add!t!onally.!n a f!lm referred to as Medulla Oblangatta(2014) she has done lyr!cs works too.
1984 Kala!maaman! Award- Vaazhka! (f!lm)
1984 Kala!maaman! Award- Vaazhka! (f!lm)
C!nema spec!f!c
F!lm cr!t!cs Award Enkeyo Ketta Kural
!n order of languages dur!ng wh!ch she acted the foremost to least range of f!lms.
!n order of languages dur!ng wh!ch she acted the foremost to least range of f!lms.
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