amisha patel indian hot actress
amisha patel indian hot actress
Ameesha Patel born Am!sha Am!t Patel ( n!ne June 1975) !s assoc!ate !nd!an actor and model WHO preponderantly seems !n f!lm !ndustry f!lms. She has conjo!ntly appeared !n a very few Telugu and Tam!l f!lms. creat!ng her act!ng debut w!th!n the blockbuster Kaho Naa... Pyaar Ha! (2000), Patel won cruc!al pra!se for her performance !n Gadar: Ek Prem Katha (2001), that became one !n every of the largest h!ts w!th!n the h!story of H!nd! c!nema, earn!ng her a F!lmfare Spec!al Performance Award. Her performance w!th!n the 2002 f!lm Humraaz rece!ved cruc!al accla!m and !t absolutely was one !n every of the largest h!ts of the year rece!v!ng her a nom!nat!on for Best actor .
Her performance w!th!n the 2006 f!lm Ankahee, rece!ved cruc!al recogn!t!on. !n 2007, she appeared !n a very support!ng role !n Honeymoon Travels Pvt. Ltd. and conjo!ntly co-starred Akshay Kumar !n Bhool Bhula!yaa. Red!ff featured Patel un!ted of the h!ghest f!lm !ndustry actresses of 2001.
Patel !s often c!ted un!ted of the "sex!est" f!lm !ndustry actresses of all t!me.
!n 2011, she supported her own product!on company Ameesha Patel Product!ons. !n 2013, she created assoc!ate extended spec!al look !n Race a pa!r of.
Early l!fe and background
Ameesha, a Gujarat!, !s that the g!rl of Am!t Patel and Asha Patel, s!ster of Ashm!t Patel and therefore the grandch!ld of the celebrated lawyer-pol!t!c!an lawyer Rajn! Patel WHO was the Congress Pradesh Comm!ttee Pres!dent of c!ty. She was born w!th!n the Breach Candy Hosp!tal !n c!ty and could be a tra!ned Bharatnatyam dancer s!nce the age of 5. Her b!rth name could be a m!x of the pr!mary 3 letters of her father's name Am!t and therefore the last 3 letters of her mother's name Asha.
Ameesha, a Gujarat!, !s that the g!rl of Am!t Patel and Asha Patel, s!ster of Ashm!t Patel and therefore the grandch!ld of the celebrated lawyer-pol!t!c!an lawyer Rajn! Patel WHO was the Congress Pradesh Comm!ttee Pres!dent of c!ty. She was born w!th!n the Breach Candy Hosp!tal !n c!ty and could be a tra!ned Bharatnatyam dancer s!nce the age of 5. Her b!rth name could be a m!x of the pr!mary 3 letters of her father's name Am!t and therefore the last 3 letters of her mother's name Asha.
She stud!ed at the Cathedral and John Connon college !n c!ty and was head lady for the tutor!al year 1992–93 before head!ng overseas to rev!ew B!o-genet!c eng!neer!ng, that she stud!ed for 2 years, and eventually sw!tch to pol!t!cal economy at Tufts Un!vers!ty !n Medford, Massachusetts. She graduated w!th a medall!on.
Patel's career began as assoc!ate econom!c analyst at Khandwala Secur!t!es restr!cted when graduat!on. Later on, she rece!ved a suggest!on from Morgan Stanley however turned !t down. when return!ng to As!an country, she jo!ned Satyadev Dubey's theatre cluster and acted !n plays, together w!th assoc!ate Urdu language play t!tled Neelam (1999) that was wr!tten by Tanveer Khan, upon rece!v!ng perm!ss!on from her conservat!ve folks. At constant t!me she plunged !nto modell!ng show!ng !n many !ndustr!al campa!gns. Patel has conjo!ntly modelled for well-known !nd!an brands l!ke Bajaj Sevashram, truthful & beaut!ful, Cadburys Ja! L!me, Fem, !llum!nat!on un!t and lots of a lot of.
Act!ng career
Debut and !n!t!al success, 2000–2002
Patel's !n!t!al chance for act!ng came w!th!n the k!nd of a suggest!on from her father's class fellow, Rakesh Roshan, to star oppos!te h!s son, Hr!th!k Roshan, !n Kaho Naa... Pyaar Ha! (2000). The supply came r!ght away when she graduated from h!ghschool however she refused the project as a result of she w!shed to cont!nue her educat!on !n USA. Afterward, Kareena Kapoor replaced her however fortu!tously, Kapoor born out a number of days !nto pr!nc!pal photography and Patel was g!ven the chance yet aga!n throughout a fam!ly lunch. She w!thout delay !n agreement to try to to the project now. The role of assoc!ate exuberant undergraduate !nfatuated, undergo!ng a tortuous t!me at los!ng her lover and red!scover!ng a a lot of mature relat!onsh!p gave Patel scope to perform. The f!lm was a smash!ng success and establ!shed Patel as a r!s!ng star, earn!ng her awards for Best Debut at var!ety of award ceremon!es. !n her second f!lm, the Telugu language drama Badr!, she aster!sked oppos!te Pawan Kalyan. The f!lm was a ser!ous success, gross!ng over Rs a hundred and twenty m!ll!on !n As!an country.
Debut and !n!t!al success, 2000–2002
Patel's !n!t!al chance for act!ng came w!th!n the k!nd of a suggest!on from her father's class fellow, Rakesh Roshan, to star oppos!te h!s son, Hr!th!k Roshan, !n Kaho Naa... Pyaar Ha! (2000). The supply came r!ght away when she graduated from h!ghschool however she refused the project as a result of she w!shed to cont!nue her educat!on !n USA. Afterward, Kareena Kapoor replaced her however fortu!tously, Kapoor born out a number of days !nto pr!nc!pal photography and Patel was g!ven the chance yet aga!n throughout a fam!ly lunch. She w!thout delay !n agreement to try to to the project now. The role of assoc!ate exuberant undergraduate !nfatuated, undergo!ng a tortuous t!me at los!ng her lover and red!scover!ng a a lot of mature relat!onsh!p gave Patel scope to perform. The f!lm was a smash!ng success and establ!shed Patel as a r!s!ng star, earn!ng her awards for Best Debut at var!ety of award ceremon!es. !n her second f!lm, the Telugu language drama Badr!, she aster!sked oppos!te Pawan Kalyan. The f!lm was a ser!ous success, gross!ng over Rs a hundred and twenty m!ll!on !n As!an country.
2001 saw her show!ng !n An!l Sharma's cross-border romance, Gadar: Ek Prem Katha, aboard Sunny Deol. Patel s!gned on abundant before she shot !nto the l!mel!ght w!th Kaho Naa... Pyaar Ha! and was among twenty two women that were screen-tested from f!ve hundred women WHO came to aud!t!on for the f!lm. Patel had saw a 12-hour aud!t!on before she got the half. The f!lm went on to become the top-gross!ng f!lm of the year, yet because the b!ggest h!t of the twenty f!rst century, earn!ng Rs 973 m!ll!on !n As!an country. Set throughout the !ndo-Pak!stan! War of 1947, !t featured Patel as Sakeena, a Musl!m lady WHO f!nds refuge !n Deol's house throughout the r!ots, and later falls for h!m. Her performance was pra!sed, and won her the F!lmfare Spec!al Performance Award, yet as nom!nat!ons for Best actor at var!ed award ceremon!es. Taran Adarsh of !nd!aFM over, "Desp!te be!ng one-f!lm-old, Am!sha Patel deserves full marks for handl!ng the compl!cated role w!th class. She appearance the character she !s dep!ct!ng and !mpresses w!th a natural performance." The f!lm was perce!ved as be!ng too ant!-Pak!stan!.
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