amna sharif is an indian actress

 amna sharif is an indian actress

Aamna Shar!f (born s!xteen July 1982) !s assoc!ate !nd!an h!str!on UN agency seems !n H!nd! TV shows and f!lm !ndustry f!lms.

Personal l!fe
She was born on s!xteen July 1982 !n Mumba!, geograph!c area to assoc!ate !nd!an father and Pers!an-Bahra!n! mother. She stud!ed at St. Anne's h!ghschool, Bandra.

After geolog!cal dat!ng v!rtually for a year Aamna Shar!f marr!ed her beau, f!lm d!str!butor-turned-producer Am!t Kapoor, on twenty seven December 2013.

Model!ng career
When Shar!f was !n her second year of faculty, she began rece!v!ng modell!ng offers for brands l!ke Close-Up dent!fr!ce, Beetel Mob!le phones, Emam! Cosmet!c Cream, Clearas!l Sk!n Cream, Set Wet, Nescafe and lots of others. Up unt!l currently, she has done qu!te f!fty ads.She conjo!ntly appeared !n Kumar Sanu's "D!l H!ndu de!ty Aalam Ma!n Kya Bataun Tujhe" 1989 mus!c album Aash!qu! song v!deo !n 2001, mus!c v!deo moreover Falgun! Pathak's "Yeh K!sne Jadoo K!ya" v!deo !n 2002, Abh!jeet's "Chalney Lag!n Ha!n Hawa!n," Daler Mehnd!'s "Eh lupus erythematosus one hundred Rup!ya" and Shael's "Nachana Kamal". 

Telev!s!on career
Shar!ff created her act!ng debut w!th!n the da!ly Kah!!n To Hoga wherever she contend the protagon!st.The show was a s!gn!f!cant success and !s one among the foremost prosper!ng shows !n Star and h!story, rank!ng #5 on Star Plus's pr!me ten shows of all t!me. Most of the cred!t for the show's success goes to the s!zzl!ng chem!stry between Aamna Shar!ff and her co-star Rajeev Khandelwal.She came back to funct!on!ng on TV once s!x years, enjoy!ng the lead role !n SET !nd!a's ser!al "Hongey Judaa Na Hum" w!th co-star Raqesh Vash!sth. Th!s show all over on twenty March 2013 as a result of low TRPs.

F!lm career
Shar!ff created her f!lm debut w!th!n the 2009 f!lm !ndustry f!lm Aloo Chaat oppos!te Aftab Sh!vdasan!. She appeared !n another f!lm that very same year w!th Sh!vdasan! once more, referred to as Aao would l!ke Kare!n. Her latest f!lm !s Ek V!lla!n d!rected by Moh!t Sur!.

She !s that the whole ambassador of "Wheel Detergent" w!th Salman Khan, "Sweet Dreams", "Kangan Fash!on Jewellery", "Gem and jewelry Creat!on", "Dressl!ne" and "Bharatplaza".

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