abhirami is an indian acrtess

 abhirami is an indian acrtess

Abh!ram! (born D!vya Gop!kumar !n Gregor!an calendar month 1983) !s assoc!ate !nd!an h!str!on and tv host. She has acted !n Malayalam, Tam!l, Telugu and South Drav!d!an mov!es. Her f!lm career, that started !n 1995, was !nterrupted !n 2004 once she settled w!th!n the u.  s. for her stud!es. She created a comeback !n 2013.

Early l!fe and educat!onAbh!ram! was born as D!vya to Gop!kumar and Pushpa. though she could be a Tam!l!an and her tongue !s Tam!l, she was born and grew up !n Kerala as her oldsters were each bank off!cers settled !n Tr!vandrum. She had her pr!mary educat!on from Chr!st Nagar Engl!sh h!ghschool and Bharat!ya V!dya Bhavan, Tr!vandrum and predegree from Mar !van!os school. She graduated !n psycholog!cal sc!ence and Commun!cat!ons from the faculty of Wooster !n Oh!o. Her fam!ly m!grated to the u.  s. once she got employment there. Her oldsters square measure presently yoga !nstructors !n Oh!o.

Abh!ram! acted for the pr!mary t!me !n d!rector Adoor Gopalakr!shnan's f!lm Kathapurushan; !t absolutely was her solely f!lm as a lead performer. whereas !n school, Abh!ram! worked as a TV anchor for the program pr!me 10 that vent!lated on As!anet Channel, that !n step w!th Abh!ram! was "qu!te popular" and got her a mov!e supply. She add!t!onally appeared w!th!n the 100-ep!sode Malayalam ser!al Akshaya Pathram d!rected by Sreekumaran Thamp!. She mod!f!ed her screen name to Abh!ram!, the character name of the hero!ne of the f!lm Guna, be!ng "obsessed w!th the role and therefore the name".

She acted dur!ng a l!ttle role w!th!n the Malayalam f!lm Pathram !n 1999 and w!th!n the ser!es Mercara d!rected by Jude Att!petty. Later she acted !n f!lms l!ke M!llenn!um Stars, Njangal Santhushtaranu, and Sradha before sh!ft!ng to Tam!l c!nema. Her 1st Tam!l f!lm was Vaanav!l (2001) oppos!te Arjun, that was a "b!g h!t"  and was followed by f!lms together w!th class Madhavan and Samudh!ram. A notable f!lm !n her career was V!rumaand!, dur!ng wh!ch she appeared as a Tam!l v!llage lady from Madura! oppos!te Kamal Hassan. Bes!des Tam!l and Malayalam, she has appeared !n Telugu and South Drav!d!an f!lms and was a notable Tollywood h!str!on. !n 2003, she appeared oppos!te Upendra w!th!n the f!lm Raktha Kanneeru and oppos!te Sh!vrajkumar !n Sr! Ram. !n 2004 she ret!red from the !ndustry and settled w!th!n the u.  s. for her stud!es. She went on to f!gure because the sell!ng d!rector of assoc!ate MNC there.

!n 2013, Abh!ram! was the vo!ce of Pooja Kumar !n each elements of Kamal Haasan's V!shwaroopam and she or he went on to host R!sh!moolam, an !nterv!ew show on the Tam!l channel Puthuyugam. the subsequent year, she created her comeback !n Malayalam f!lms w!th health profess!onal, dur!ng wh!ch she v!e the role of a woman's doctor. She has add!t!onally acted w!th!n the f!lm !thu Thaanda Pol!ce dur!ng wh!ch she v!e the role of a Sub-!nspector named Arundhat! Varma.

She has add!t!onally anchored a real!ty show on Mazhav!l Manorama t!tled created for every d!fferent. She add!t!onally dubbed for Pooja Kumar !n Uthama V!lla!n.
Personal l!fe

Abh!ram! !s marr!ed to Rahul Pavanan, grandch!ld of author Pavanan.

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