Ayilya Nair indian sexy actress

 Ayilya Nair indian sexy actress

Ay!lya Na!r (born twenty n!ne March 1987), h!gher proverb!al by her anonym Ananya, !s assoc!ate degree !nd!an f!lm h!str!on, WHO seems !n South Drav!d!an and Tam!l f!lms. She created her act!ng debut !n South Drav!d!an w!th Pos!t!ve (2008) and debuted the subsequent year !n Tam!l w!th Naadod!gal, that emerged a v!tal and !ndustr!al success.She conta!ns a l!st of f!lms !n South Drav!d!an and Tam!l. She rece!ved a F!lmfare Award for Best Support!ng h!str!on – Tam!l for Engaeyum Eppothum.

Early l!fe
Ananya was born as Ay!lya to Malayal! folks Gopalakr!shnan Na!r, a noted mov!e maker, and Praseetha !n Kothamangalam, Kerala. She has one younger brother Arjun. She appeared as a baby creator !n one !n every of her father's product!ons (execut!ve producer), Pa! Brothers (1995). Ananya pursued a B.A. degree !n Commun!cat!ve Engl!sh at St. Xav!er's school, Aluva. throughout her ch!ldhood, she was assoc!ate degree archer and won the State Champ!onsh!p. whereas represent!ng her school dur!ng a tv real!ty show "Star Wars", she was not!ced by var!ed adm!n!strators and rece!ved act!ng offers. once decl!n!ng 5 comes, she set to offer !t a attempt, accept!ve to act !n Pos!t!ve.

F!lm career
Her screenname mod!f!ed to Ananya, once she was operat!ng !n her debut Tam!l f!lm Naadod!gal. The f!lm was a h!gh !ndustr!al success, and Ananya rose to fame, together w!th her performance w!th!n the f!lm be!ng apprec!ated. She went on to play an equ!valent role !n !ts South Drav!d!an remake !thu Nammude Katha. The f!lm Sh!kkar aboard Mohanlal, gave her a g!ant break !n South Drav!d!an. She d!d some thr!ll!ng scenes w!th!n the cl!max of the mov!ng-p!cture show Sh!kkar that affected Mohanlal, that created h!m dec!s!on her the "V!jayashant!" of South Drav!d!an. She conjo!ntly compete a support!ng role !n metropol!s, that saw her shar!ng screen house w!th Mohanlal and Am!tabh Bachchan. !n 2011, Ananya compete one !n every of the fem!n!ne lead roles !n Engeyum Eppodhum, that rece!ved rave rev!ews and have become a sleeper h!t.

!n 2014, she appeared !n Pul!vaal, her !n!t!al Tam!l unharness once 3 years. 

Personal l!fe
Ananya got engaged to Anjaneyan, a man of affa!rs from Tr!chur on three February 2012. but two weeks later news came that she has known as off her engagement once know!ng that Anjaneyan had a prev!ous wedd!ng from that he had wanted d!vorce. Th!s news hasn't been conf!rmed by the h!str!on nor by her fam!ly. Then !n Gregor!an calendar month the h!str!on went and marr!ed Anjaneyan dur!ng a extremely closel!pped event !n T!rupat!. Recently she d!scovered that she !s marr!ed to Anjaneyan dur!ng a program !davelay!l. they need s!nce been g!v!ng T.V (As!anet) !nterv!ews along as some.

Kerala State TV Awards
2012 - Best h!str!on : Doore
F!lmfare Awards South
2011 - Best Support!ng h!str!on – Tam!l: Engaeyum Eppothum

As!anet F!lm Award
2010 - Best Support!ng h!str!on : Sen!ors & Doctor Love

V!jay Awards
2009 - Best Debut Actress: Naadod!gal
2011 - appo!nt!ve , V!jay Award for Best Support!ng Actress: Engaeyum Eppothum

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