Amy Louise Jackson indian hot actress

Amy Louise Jackson indian hot actress

Amy Lou!se Jackson (born th!rty one Jan 1992) may be a Br!t!sh model and thesp!an, Un!ted Nat!ons agency seems !n !nd!an f!lms, pr!mar!ly !n Tam!l and few H!nd! and Telugu f!lms. once faculty, she began modell!ng at age s!xteen, happen!ng to w!n the 2009 M!ss teenaged World compet!t!on and also the 2010 M!ss c!ty t!tle. afterwards Tam!l mov!e maker A L V!jay not!ced her assoc!ated !ntroduced Jackson as an thesp!an w!th!n the 2010 Tam!l per!od-drama Madrasapatt!nam. whereas any follow!ng her modell!ng career w!th!n the Great Br!ta!n, Jackson cont!nu!ng operat!ng !n As!an nat!on and went on to début !n d!fferent f!lm !ndustr!es w!th!n the next years. She had her !n!t!al screenland unleash !n 2012, the romant!c drama Ekk Deewana Tha, whereas 2012 saw the d!scharge of her !n!t!al Telugu f!lm Yevadu. She later marked !n Prabhudeva's S!ngh !s Bl!ng !n 2015 oppos!te Akshay Kumar.
Early l!fe
Jackson was born !n !sland of Man to Br!t!sh folks, Alan Jackson and Marguer!ta Jackson. She has assoc!ate elder s!ster, Al!c!a Jackson. The fam!ly came to the!r parents' home of Woolton, L!verpool, 2 years once Jackson's b!rth !n order that her father, Un!ted Nat!ons agency works as a producer for BBC Rad!o Merseys!de, m!ght cont!nue h!s med!a career. Jackson attended St Edward's faculty, ga!n!ng 10 GCSEs, and so v!s!ted form to check Engl!sh language, Engl!sh l!terature, and ph!losophy and eth!cs.

After w!nn!ng the M!ss teenaged c!ty and M!ss teenaged n!ce UK pageants, she won the t!tle of M!ss teenaged World !n 2009. Jackson won e!ghteen pr!zes, !nclud!ng a modell!ng consent the U.S.A. on a $50,000 scholarsh!p.[c!tat!on needed] She won M!ss c!ty !n 2010. She part!c!pated w!th!n the M!ss European country compet!t!on !n 2010 however lost bent Jess!ca L!nley w!th!n the f!nal. Jackson s!gned a second modell!ng contract w!th Boss Model Management and modelled everywhere Europe on.
Personal l!fe
Accord!ng to the Da!ly Ma!l, Jackson "learnt concern!ng screenland by look!ng at Sh!lpa Shetty w!th!n the real!ty show huge Brother". !n 2012, she l!ved !n metropol!s, geograph!cal area, and aforement!oned that she thought of As!an nat!on to be her home. She features a pet cat named Alf!e, w!th whom she d!splay dur!ng a PETA effort promot!ng the adopt!on of an!mals from shelters. She's presently res!d!ng !n metropol!s thus on conf!ne b!t along w!th her work.

!n 2012, Amy was dur!ng a relat!onsh!p w!th screenland actor Prate!k Babbar, Un!ted Nat!ons agency she stayed w!th dur!ng a flat at Bandra, Mumba!. Later !n 2012, Amy Jackson spl!t from her beau Prate!k. !n 2013, she was qual!tat!ve analys!s boxer Joe sa!lor. On e!ght December 2013, she was reportedly !ll-treated by Joe sa!lor outs!de the Malma!son ed!f!ce !n c!ty. though Jackson wasn't w!ll!ng to pursue the case, the Crown Prosecut!on Serv!ce set a prosecut!on was necessary. once plead!ng gu!lty, sa!lor was g!ven a 12-month commun!ty d!rect!on order and ordered to pay £300 pr!ces. Jackson was then qual!tat!ve analys!s enthron!zat!on Street actor Ryan Thomas however they stone-broke up !n November 2014.

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