bangaladeshi cricketer mashrafi mortoza biography

 bangaladeshi cricketer mashrafi mortoza biography

Mashrafe Mortaza (conce!ved 5 October 1983 !n Nara!l Locale) !s a Bangladesh! un!versal cr!cketer, and current sk!pper of the One Day !nternat!onals for Bangladesh nat!onal cr!cket group. He !s l!kew!se a prev!ous T20! ch!ef, unt!l h!s ret!rement. He softened !nto the nat!onal s!de up late 2001 aga!nst Z!mbabwe and spoke to Bangladesh before hav!ng played a sol!tary top of the l!ne coord!nate. Mortaza capta!ned h!s nat!on !n one Test and seven One Day !nternat!onals (OD!s) !n the v!c!n!ty of 2009 and 2010, however damage !mpl!ed he was !n and out of the s!de and Shak!b Al Hasan was named commander !n Mortaza's nonappearance. 

Mortaza used to be v!ewed as one of the speed!est bowlers created by Bangladesh, beforehand rock!ng the bowl!ng alley !n the m!d-135s km/h !n the 2000s, and cons!stently opens the knock!ng down some p!ns. He !s a valuable lower-center request batsman, w!th a f!ve star century and three Test half hundreds of years to h!s name. Mortaza's profess!on has been hampered by wounds and he has exper!enced a sum of ten operat!ons on h!s knees and lower legs.

Mortaza res!gned from Test cr!cket !n 2009 because of pers!stent back wounds and kept on play!ng !n shorter organ!zat!ons. On 4 Apr!l 2017, he declared h!s a!ms to res!gn from T20!s too. He res!gned from all T20!s on 6 Apr!l 2017. 

Local profess!on

He was purchased by Kolkata Kn!ght R!ders for the 2009 !nd!an Ch!ef Group; desp!te the fact that KKR pa!d US$600,000 for Mortaza, he played only one match for them, !n wh!ch he went for 58 keeps runn!ng !n 4 overs. Because of h!s worldw!de dut!es, Mortaza has occas!onally played for Khulna D!v!s!on !n Bangladesh's res!dent!al cr!cket r!valr!es. Wh!le he has spoken to Bangladesh 36 t!mes !n Tests and !n 100 OD!s !n the v!c!n!ty of 2001 and 2005 he played just 11 top notch and 9 l!st A matches for Khulna D!v!s!on !n a s!m!lar per!od. !n 2012 he jo!ned the Dhaka Combatants and 2015 from Com!lla V!ctor!ans !n the recently framed Bangladesh Head Group twenty20 r!valry and capta!ned them to the compet!t!on t!tle and drove Com!lla V!ctor!ans secured the t!tle of the th!rd Bangladesh Ch!ef Assoc!at!on (BPL) . 

!nd!v!dual l!fe

Mortaza was conce!ved !n the area of Nara!l !n south-west Bangladesh. Desp!te the fact that he del!ghted !n play!ng games, for example, football and badm!nton from a youthful age—!n some cases go!ng sw!mm!ng !n the close-by Stream Ch!tra as opposed to do!ng school work—!n the m!ddle of play!ng cr!cket, Mortaza got h!mself conceded !nto Branch of Rat!onal!ty at the Jahang!rnagar College !n 2003-04 sess!on for h!s four year college educat!on. Mortaza was more !ntr!gued by cr!cket as an adolescent, part!cularly batt!ng. Notw!thstand!ng th!s, h!s rock!ng the bowl!ng alley !s currently h!s fundamental property and h!s pace has p!cked up h!m the ep!thet of the "Nara!l Express". 

Mortaza has been dep!cted as an open and v!v!f!ed character who apprec!ates motorcycl!ng. He used to go from a ne!ghborhood connect onto the h!ghest po!nts of pass!ng products canal boats. He !s extremely ma!nstream !n the place where he grew up, prompt!ng h!m be!ng named the!r "Ruler of Hearts". At Govt. V!ctor!a School, Nara!l, Mortaza met Sumona Haque Shum!, whom he wedded !n 2006. He has a l!ttle g!rl now. H!s l!ttle g!rl's name !s Huma!ra Mortaza. He add!t!onally turns !nto a father of a ch!ld at 5 October 2014 named Sah!l.



Mortaza !s a standout amongst the best pace bowlers to have r!sen up out of Bangladesh. The pace and an!mos!ty Mortaza showed as an under-19 player awed Andy Roberts, the prev!ous West !nd!an qu!ck bowler, who was go!ng about as a trans!tory rock!ng the bowl!ng alley mentor for Bangladesh. Under Roberts' suggest!on, Mortaza was drafted !nto the Bangladesh A group.

After one match for Bangladesh A (to date h!s lone Bangladesh A match), Mortaza made h!s Test make a b!g appearance on 8 November 2001 aga!nst Z!mbabwe !n the Bangabandhu Nat!onal Stad!um !n Dhaka. Khaled Mahmud l!kew!se appeared !n the match, wh!ch was d!m!n!shed by ra!n and f!n!shed !n a draw. Mortaza opened the knock!ng down some p!ns w!th Mohammad Manjural !slam and took 4 w!ckets for 106 runs (add!t!onally composed as 4/106) as Z!mbabwe d!d not bat a moment t!me. H!s !n!t!ally, otherw!se called "lady", Test w!cket was that of Concede Blossom. Uncommonly the match was l!kew!se Mortaza's lady top of the l!ne coord!nate; he was the 31st man to have accompl!shed th!s, and the th!rd s!nce 1899. Mortaza l!kew!se showed up for Bangladesh's one day group on 23 November 2001 alongs!de !nd!v!dual debutants Fah!m Muntas!r and Tushar !mran. Open!ng the knock!ng down some p!ns w!th Mohammad Shar!f, Mortaza completed w!th f!gures of 2/26 from 8.2 overs as Z!mbabwe won the match by f!ve w!ckets.

Harm !ssues

After the Test arrangement aga!nst Z!mbabwe and one aga!nst New Zealand, Mortaza m!ssed the arrangement aga!nst Pak!stan !n January 2002 as he was exper!enc!ng a back harm. Wh!le recoup!ng, Mortaza endured a knee damage wh!le sk!pp!ng and requ!red an operat!on. Accord!ngly, he was not able play cr!cket for a further e!ght months. At th!s phase of h!s profess!on, Mortaza had played four Tests and taken 12 w!ckets at a normal of 31.16.

Mortaza d!d not come back to worldw!de cr!cket unt!l the 2003 World Glass !n South Afr!ca am!d 2003. Bangladesh neglected to advance past the round-rob!n stage, and Mortaza played !n two matches gather!ng two w!ckets at a normal of 38.00.

!n October and November 2003, Br!ta!n v!s!ted Bangladesh for two-Tests and three OD!s. !n the second Test, Mortaza took what at the t!me was h!s best Test f!gures of 4/60[18] preced!ng cap!tulat!ng to damage, fall!ng w!th a turned knee subsequent to convey!ng the ball. Notw!thstand!ng d!ff!cult Br!ta!n !n the arrangement, Bangladesh lost 2–0, Mortaza completed the arrangement w!th 8 w!ckets at a normal of 21.25. Thus, he was aga!n out of worldw!de cr!cket; th!s t!me for over a year. Wounds !n the !n!t!al three years of h!s global vocat!on saw Mortaza just play 12 Tests and not more than four consecut!vely. 


Mortaza came back from h!s profess!on deb!l!tat!ng damage and, !n the wake of aw!ng !n Bangladesh household cr!cket, he was chosen !n the 13-man squad to face !nd!a !n a home two-Test arrangement am!d December 2004. He reported h!s arr!val to Test cr!cket !n the ma!n Test at Dhaka by expell!ng Rahul Drav!d. He rocked the bowl!ng alley rel!ably !n the arrangement and almost rejected Sach!n Tendulkar and Sourav Ganguly, yet gets were dropped. Cr!c!nfo not!ced that !n the second Test he "drudged manfully aga!n w!th pathet!c move down". Mortaza completed the arrangement w!th f!ve w!ckets at a normal of 37.00, !n sp!te of the fact that Bangladesh lost 2–0. !n the accompany!ng OD! arrangement, Mortaza assumed an !nstrumental part !n Bangladesh's 16 run ann!h!lat!on of !nd!a !n the second OD! on 26 December 2004. He was granted the man of the match for h!s !ns!de and out execut!on—tak!ng two w!ckets, two d!scovers and scor!ng 31 not out. The match was Bangladesh's 100th OD! and Mortaza's !n!t!al one-day cr!cket !n 15 months. Bangladesh went ahead to lose the arrangement 2–1. 

!n January 2005 Z!mbabwe v!s!ted Bangladesh, play!ng two Tests and f!ve OD!s. Bangladesh won the Test arrangement one Test to n!l, the!r f!rst arrangement tr!umph !n Test cr!cket. What's more, Bangladesh's tr!umph !n the pr!nc!pal Test at the Mama Az!z Stad!um was the!r f!rst Test w!n. !n the last !nn!ngs of the pr!nc!pal coord!nate, Mortaza took the n!nth w!cket and w!th tr!umph up and com!ng he attempted to bowl the follow!ng ball and needed to w!pe away tears and recover h!s self-control before beg!nn!ng h!s keep runn!ng up. Regardless of a sore back !n the second Test, Mortaza kept on knock!ng down some p!ns. !n the two Tests, Mortaza scored 93 keeps runn!ng at a normal of 31.00 and took n!ne w!ckets at a normal of 24.88. !n a nearby OD! arrangement, Bangladesh won 3–2 !n the wake of be!ng 2–0 down, Mortaza played !n four matches and took four w!ckets at a normal of 40.00. 

Play!ng for Khulna D!v!s!on aga!nst Sylhet D!v!s!on !n Walk 2005, Mortaza scored h!s lady top of the l!ne century. Batt!ng at number four !n h!s group's second !nn!ngs, Mortaza scored 132 not out from 140 balls; the !nn!ngs far outperform!ng h!s past best top notch score of 70, and was named man of the match.

Mortaza !mproved h!s notor!ety on Bangladesh's !naugural voyage through Br!ta!n, and was the group's dr!v!ng bowler, !n sp!te of the fact that h!s group lost the two-coord!nate Test arrangement 2–0. He was by a long shot the most eff!c!ent of the Bangladesh! bowlers, surrender!ng by and large almost a large port!on of a run less per over than the follow!ng best bowler. Mortaza completed the arrangement w!th four w!ckets at 49.50 and was the group's dr!v!ng w!cket taker. He rel!ably d!sturbed the Engl!sh batsmen, over and aga!n beat!ng the bat. An OD! tr!-arrangement followed !n wh!ch Bangladesh recorded the!r lady w!n aga!nst Austral!a. Mortaza's knock!ng down some p!ns was cr!t!cal !n Bangladesh's g!gant!c vexed aga!nst Austral!a !n Card!ff, expell!ng Adam G!lchr!st for a duck and y!eld!ng 33 keeps runn!ng from 10 overs as Bangladesh won by f!ve w!ckets. Toward the f!n!sh of the v!s!t, Mortaza was portrayed as "Bangladesh's lone forefront", underl!n!ng how essent!al h!s knock!ng down some p!ns !s to the group.

Mortaza was chosen as a hold player for the As!an squad !n the !naugural Afro-As!a Conta!ner. He was later drafted !nto the full squad as a subst!tut!on for the !naccess!ble Rana Naved-ul-Hasan. W!th batsman Mohammad Ashraful, he was one of two Bangladesh! players !n the 15-man squad. Sultan Rana, the As!a group ch!ef, dep!cted Mortaza as "an except!onally encourag!ng prospect, a fabulous advantage for the Bangladesh group". He played two of the three OD!s where he took Shaun Pollock's w!cket !n the f!rst. 

Promote damage

!n September 2005 a back harm !mpl!ed that Mortaza needed to return home from Bangladesh's voyage through Sr! Lanka before the beg!n of the pr!mary Test. !t was the 6th t!me he had been sent home am!dst an arrangement. The damage—a sort of stress break ant!c!pated that would take !n the v!c!n!ty of s!x and twelve weeks to mend—saw Mortaza not able to play any cr!cket for a wh!le. He came back to the Bangladesh s!de !n February 2006 for a progress!on of OD!s aga!nst Sr! Lanka. 

Austral!a went by Bangladesh !n Apr!l 2006 and Mortaza played the ent!re arrangement. !n sp!te of verg!ng on w!nn!ng the pr!nc!pal Test, Bangladesh at last lost both Tests !n the arrangement. !n the last !nn!ngs of the ma!n Tes

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