bangladeshi cricketer Mosaddek Hossain biography

  bangladeshi cricketer Mosaddek Hossain biography

Mosaddek Hossa!n (conce!ved 10 December 1995 !n Mymens!ngh, Bangladesh) !s a cr!cketer who has played top of the l!ne and Rundown A cr!cket !n Bangladesh s!nce 2013. !n 2014-15 he made 250 and 282 !n back to back top notch !nn!ngs and passed 1000 top of the l!ne keeps runn!ng !n h!s tenth match. !n October 2015, !n h!s twelfth top notch coord!nate, he turned !nto the ma!n Bangladesh! player to score three twofold centur!es.

Under-19 profess!on 

Hossa!n !s a pr!v!lege gave batsman and off-turn bowler. He played for Bangladesh !n two !CC Under-19 World Conta!ners: !n Austral!a !n 2012 and !n Abu Dhab! !n 2013-14. He capta!ned Bangladesh Under-19 !n a two-coord!nate arrangement of four-day matches aga!nst Sr! Lanka Under-19 !n Apr!l 2013, scor!ng 107 !n the pr!mary match and 74 !n the second. He then capta!ned the group aga!n !n a f!ve-coord!nate arrangement of constra!ned overs coord!nates !nstantly a short t!me later, scor!ng more than 200 runs, !ncorporat!ng 98 !n the th!rd match wh!ch Bangladesh w!n by one w!cket. !n Br!ta!n soon thereafter, !n a "magn!f!cent all-round execut!on", he scored 110 not out off 113 balls then took 3 for 38 off 10 overs !n a 38-run tr!umph over Br!ta!n Under-19.

Sen!or profess!on 

At 17 years old he made a century !n h!s second Rundown A match when he scored 100 for Abahan! Constra!ned aga!nst Pr!me Doleshwar Brand!sh!ng Club !n 2013-14. He played one top of the l!ne coord!nate for Dhaka D!v!s!on !n 2013-14 and was chosen to play for East Zone toward the f!n!sh of the season, when he took 3 for 65 and 4 for 33 aga!nst South Zone. After the 2013-14 season Cr!c!nfo named h!m as one of Bangladesh's most encourag!ng youthful players, tak!ng note of that as a batsman he awed "w!th h!s footwork aga!nst turn and s!mpl!c!ty aga!nst pace".

He played for Bar!sal D!v!s!on !n the 2014-15 Nat!onal Cr!cket All!ance. Aga!nst Rangpur D!v!s!on at Savar he scored 250 off 448 balls, !nclud!ng 423 for the f!fth w!cket w!th Al-Am!n. H!s past most elevated top of the l!ne score had been 13, and Al-Am!n's was 64. !n h!s next !nn!ngs a couple days after the fact on the ne!ghbor!ng cr!cket ground, Hossa!n scored 282 off 309 balls. Both matches were drawn. !n the second !nn!ngs of the last match of the season he scored 119 for South Zone !n the Bangladesh Cr!cket Assoc!at!on, tak!ng h!m past 1000 for the season and h!s vocat!on.

He started 2015-16 w!th 122 (count!ng s!x s!xes) and 40 for Bar!sal D!v!s!on, beat scor!ng !n every !nn!ngs, and scor!ng the pr!mary century of the overall 2015-16 season. !n the follow!ng match he scored 200 not out (w!th seven s!xes) and 61, aga!n best scor!ng !n every !nn!ngs. Both matches were drawn. H!s 200 not out made h!m the ma!n Bangladesh batsman to score three top notch twofold centur!es. 
He v!s!ted South Afr!ca and Z!mbabwe w!th Bangladesh An !n October-November 2015. He was Bangladesh A's top-scorer !n the two top of the l!ne matches, aga!nst Z!mbabwe A, w!th 194 keeps runn!ng at 64.66. 

Un!versal vocat!on 

He made h!s Twenty20 Un!versal (T20!) make a b!g appearance for Bangladesh aga!nst Z!mbabwe on 20 January 2016. 
He made h!s One Day Global (OD!) make a b!g appearance for Bangladesh aga!nst Afghan!stan on 28 September 2016, and turned !nto the ma!n player for Bangladesh to br!ng a w!cket w!th h!s f!rst conveyance !n an OD!. He scored an unbeaten 45 subsequent to com!ng !n at number seven and batt!ng w!th the ta!l. That supplemented h!s f!gures of 2-31 off 10 overs, and a catch. Be that as !t may, th!s d!d not avert Bangladesh los!ng the amusement by two w!ckets.

!n February 2017, he was added to Bangladesh's Test squad !n front of the!r errat!c match aga!nst !nd!a after !mrul Kayes was harmed. He made h!s Test make a b!g appearance aga!nst Sr! Lanka on 15 Walk 2017, !n Bangladesh's 100th Test coord!nate.

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