bangladeshi cricketer mohammad ashraful biography
bangladeshi cricketer mohammad ashraful biography
Mohammad Ashraful (conce!ved 7 July 1984) !s a prev!ous Bangladesh! global cr!cket player who has spoken to the Bangladesh nat!onal cr!cket group. A top-arrange batsman w!th an !ncl!nat!on for ostentat!ous strokeplay, he was l!kew!se chosen to speak to the ACC As!a X! OD! s!de. !n the v!c!n!ty of 2007 and 2009, Ashraful capta!ned h!s nat!on !n 13 Tests, and 38 One Day !nternat!onals (OD!s) of wh!ch Bangladesh won e!ght. Ashraful has scored the qu!ckest f!fty !n Test, OD! and Twenty20 worldw!de amongnst every s!ngle Bangladesh! cr!cketer. Ashraful !s Bangladesh's second-most noteworthy run-scorer !n both Tests and OD!s. At the po!nt when not play!ng for the nat!onal group, Ashraful plays local cr!cket for the Dhaka D!v!s!on cr!cket group !n Bangladesh's household one-day and f!ve star r!valr!es, capta!n!ng both s!des now and aga!n. !n 2014 the Bangladesh Cr!cket Board restr!cted h!m for a long t!me after he was d!scovered l!able of match-settl!ng. The boycott was later d!m!n!shed to 5 years w!th 2 years suspended.

Ashraful made h!s OD! make a b!g appearance aga!nst Z!mbabwe on 11 Apr!l 2001, where he made 9 runs and Bangladesh lost the match by 36 runs. He took h!s f!rst global w!cket !n the match, that of Andy Bloom.
S!nhalese Games Club Ground, where Ashraful made h!s Test make a b!g appearance on 6 September 2001 and turned !nto the most youthful player to score a century !n Test cr!cket.
Ashraful made h!s Test make a b!g appearance on 6 September 2001 aga!nst Sr! Lanka. He best scored !n every !nn!ngs, and desp!te the fact that Bangladesh drooped to an !nn!ngs vanqu!sh, Ashraful scored 114, and !n the process turned !nto the most youthful player to score a Test century, beat!ng Mushtaq Mohammad's record, and was named man of the match.[nb 1] all the wh!le, he turned out to be qu!te recently the second Bangladesh player to score a Test century on !ntroduct!on, the f!rst s!nce Am!nul !slam Bulbul !n 2000 am!d Bangladesh's f!rst Test. Trevor Chappell, a prev!ous mentor of Bangladesh's nat!onal s!de, remarked that "H!s assurance, respons!b!l!ty and met!culousness would put a develop and a set up !nd!v!dual to d!sgrace. The way he focuses on h!s batt!ng made me trust that the chap !s bound to have a long cr!cket!ng venture." Tak!ng after the century, Ashraful started accept!ng elevated standards. Be that as !t may, a drawn out str!ng of poor exh!b!t!ons and del!cate reject!ons brought about h!m be!ng dropped from the nat!onal group.
He had a poor f!rst World Conta!ner – the 2003 Cr!cket World Glass – mak!ng 71 keeps runn!ng at a normal of 14.20, w!th Bangladesh be!ng d!spensed w!th !n the Gather!ng Stage.
!n February and Walk 2004, Bangladesh v!s!ted of Z!mbabwe. At the t!me, Z!mbabwe were w!thout a cons!derable lot of the!r sen!or players, yet at the same t!me won the Test arrangement 1–0 and the OD! arrangement 2–1. The lone OD! tr!umph was Bangladesh's f!rst un!versal w!n s!nce crush!ng Pak!stan !n the 1999 World Glass; Ashraful scored 51 keeps runn!ng from 32 balls !n the match and was named man of the match. Ashraful came back to the group !n December 2004 aga!nst the !nd!an cr!cket group and scored h!s second century, 158 not out, guarantee!ng the record for the most elevated !nd!v!dual Test score by a Bangladesh!. !nd!a's commander, Sourav Ganguly, portrayed the !nn!ngs as one of the best Test !nn!ngs he had seen.
!n May and June 2005, Bangladesh v!s!ted Br!ta!n for a two-Test arrangement aga!nst the hosts and a tr!angular OD! compet!t!on !nclud!ng Br!ta!n Austral!a. Desp!te the fact that they won only one OD! out of s!x, the!r s!ngle tr!umph aga!nst Austral!a was portrayed by W!sden as "the greatest m!racle !n one-day global h!story". Ashraful scored 100 to help h!s s!de to tr!umph and was named Man of the Match for h!s endeavors. He scored two all the more half hundreds of years !n the arrangement, complet!ng w!th 259 keeps runn!ng at a normal of 43.16, mak!ng h!m th!rd-most elevated run-getter for the arrangement.
!n 2006 he scored h!s th!rd century, w!th 136 !n the pr!mary test aga!nst Sr! Lanka.
!n November 2006 he set a group record score of 263, aga!nst Ch!ttagong D!v!s!on for Bangladesh! top of the l!ne cr!cket – !n sp!te of the fact that th!s record has s!nce been bettered by Raq!bul Hasan.
Ashraful was chosen for the As!an squad !n the !naugural Afro-As!a Conta!ner. W!th bowler Mashrafe Mortaza, he was one of two Bangladesh! players !n the 15-man squad. Ashraful played !n two of the matches, yet neglected to score a run.
Sonargaon Cr!cketers, another group !n the Dhaka Head All!ance for the 2005/06 season, marked Ashraful and Mohammad Raf!que. The group lost four of !ts !n!t!al f!ve recreat!ons and looked for a change of author!ty try!ng to enhance !ts outcomes. Ashraful was des!gnated commander when the club was confront!ng transfer. Under h!s adm!n!strat!on, Sonargaon completed second !n the class. The open!ng match of the two-Test arrangement aga!nst Sr! Lanka !n February and Walk 2006 was played at Ch!ttagong D!v!s!onal Stad!um, the pr!mary worldw!de match the ground fac!l!tated. He scored 136 !n the pr!nc!pal !nn!ngs, ra!s!ng h!s th!rd Test century; he got the man of the match grant, !n sp!te of the fact that Sr! Lanka won by e!ght w!ckets. Bangladesh lost the second Test by ten w!ckets and the arrangement 2 0, w!th Ashraful oversee!ng 37 keeps runn!ng !n the match and asserted the w!cket of Mahela Jayawardene.
He played for Ra!nh!ll CC !n a ne!ghborhood cr!cket class !n Br!ta!n.
The West Non ma!nstream players fac!l!tated the 2007 Cr!cket World Glass !n Spr!ng and Apr!l; Ashraful was !ncorporated !nto the 15-man squad drove by Hab!bul Bashar. Bangladesh made !t to the second phase of the oppos!t!on and completed seventh. En route the group made an annoyed w!th !nd!a help thump them out of the compet!t!on. Ashraful scored 87 keeps runn!ng from 83 balls aga!nst South Afr!ca over the span of Bangladesh's 67-run tr!umph. H!s !nn!ngs was the most astound!ng score by a Bangladesh player !n World Mugs and he was named man of the match for the execut!on. W!th 216 keeps runn!ng from 9 matches at a normal of 36, Ashraful was Bangladesh's most noteworthy run-scorer !n the compet!t!on.
On 6 February 2009, Ashraful part!c!pated !n a player sell off for the 2009 !nd!an Head Assoc!at!on. The Mumba! !nd!ans got h!m at h!s base cost of US$75,000, yet he just played one d!vers!on and scored only 2 runs.
Bangladesh capta!ncy (2007–2009)
Ashraful's record as sk!pper
Matches Won Lost Drawn
Test 13 0 12 1
OD! 38 8 30 –
T20! 11 2 9 –
Not long after the World Conta!ner, !nd!a v!s!ted Bangladesh for two Test matches and three OD!s. !n the second Test, wh!ch Bangladesh lost by an !nn!ngs and 239 runs, Ashraful scored the qu!ckest half-century !n Test cr!cket as far as t!me (tak!ng 27 m!nutes) and equ!valent second-speed!est when measured !n balls confronted (scored off 26 balls). Bes!de the 67 he oversaw !n one of the qu!ckest half-hundreds of years !n Test cr!cket, Ashraful oversaw only f!ve more keeps runn!ng !n the arrangement; !n two OD!s, he scored 41 runs. After ann!h!lat!ons !n both arrangement, Hab!bul Bashar ventured down from Bangladesh's one day capta!ncy; Mohammad Ashraful was des!gnated the group commander !n all types of cr!cket on 2 June 2007. At the t!me, he had played 35 Test and 101 OD!s and had some understand!ng of capta!ncy at household level. Matured 22, he was the second-most youthful worldw!de commander
Am!d the ma!n Test match of South Afr!ca's 2007–08 v!s!t, Ashraful expelled Abdom!nal muscle de V!ll!ers !n except!onally uncommon des!gn: after the ball left h!s hand !t sk!ped tw!ce, and soon thereafter de V!ll!ers endeavored to h!t the ball yet rather sent !t stra!ght up. Ashraful got the ball and, regardless of de V!ll!ers hold!ng fast, ump!re Steve Bucknor aff!rmed the reject!on. The reject!on was lawful per Law 24, segment 6 of the Laws of cr!cket wh!ch express the ball must sk!p more than tw!ce or move along the ground to be esteemed a no-ball.
Mohammad Ashraful made some d!scuss!on !n Walk 2008 when he slapped a fan who called h!m "trash" wh!le he was prepar!ng at an !ndoor stad!um !n Dhaka. Th!s occurred when Ashraful was as a rule v!gorously repr!manded !n
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