bangladeshi cricketer tamim iqbal khan biography
bangladeshi cricketer tamim iqbal khan biography
Tam!m !qbal Khan, (conce!ved 20 Walk 1989) !s a un!versal Bangladesh! cr!cketer and prev!ous Test commander of the group. Tam!m made h!s One Day Worldw!de !ntroduct!on !n 2007 and played h!s f!rst Test the next year. A left-gave open!ng batsman, he !s the Bangladesh!'s best runscorer to date. Between December 2010 and September 2011 he was bad hab!t commander of the nat!onal s!de. Cons!dered as the best perpetually open!ng batsman for Bangladesh, Tam!m has set up hundreds of years !n each of the three arrangements of the amusement and !s add!t!onally the pr!mary Bangladesh! to score 10,000 worldw!de runs.
!n 2011 he was named as one of W!sden Cr!cketers' Chronolog!cal reg!stry's four Cr!cketers of the Year, and W!sden's Test Player of the Year, end!ng up pla!nly s!mply the second Bangladesh! player to be granted the award. He plays f!ve star cr!cket for Ch!ttagong D!v!s!on cr!cket group. He !s the most astound!ng !nd!v!dual run scorer for Bangladesh !n constra!ned over organ!zat!ons and just Bangladesh! cr!cketer to score hundreds of years !n each of the three conf!gurat!ons of the d!vers!on. Tam!m !s l!kew!se Bangladesh's most elevated century creator !n un!versal matches w!th 14 centur!es, consol!dat!ng all types of cr!cket. He scored 206 keeps runn!ng !n a Test coord!nate. He !s the best Tr!al scorer of Bangladesh Nat!onal Cr!cket Group.
He !s as of now the second most elevated run-scorer for Bangladesh !n un!versal cr!cket, !nclud!ng Test matches, OD!s and T20 !nternat!onals. He !s the second Bangladesh! cr!cketer to score 3,000 keeps runn!ng !n Tests and 5,000 keeps runn!ng !n OD!s and furthermore the pr!nc!pal Bangladesh! cr!cketer to go past 1,000 keeps runn!ng !n T20!s.
He was named a global f!rst class player for the !naugural Car!bbean Head All!ance !n 2013.
Early years and foundat!on
Tam!m !qbal was dest!ned to the late !qbal Khan and Nusrat !qbal, !n the port c!ty of Ch!ttagong. H!s fatherly Khan fam!ly !s a prest!g!ous fam!ly !n the c!ty.Tam!m !qbal !s the s!bl!ng of Nafees !qbal and the nephew of Akram Khan, who both played Test cr!cket for Bangladesh.
Tam!m's dad, !qbal, used to host l!ttle cr!cket compet!t!ons to help h!s ch!ldren prepare and show s!gns of !mprovement !n cr!cket. H!s s!bl!ng Nafees, a prev!ous nat!onal group cr!cketer, !n a meet!ng stated, "Tam!m was the more sk!lled one. When he [Tam!m] was 12 or 13, he h!t 148 as the group pursued 150".
He wedded h!s adolescence sweetheart Ayesha S!dd!qa !n June 2013 w!th a stupendous serv!ce held at Ch!ttagong.Former Leader Khaleda Z!a was add!t!onally present at the occas!on. He had h!s f!rst ch!ld Mohammed Arham !qbal !n February 28, 2016.
Early profess!on
Tam!m, a youthful ab!l!ty of Bangladesh, who played !n the 2006 U-19 Cr!cket World Conta!ner !n Sr! Lanka, was p!cked for the 2007 World Glass and played aga!nst !nd!a !n the gather!ng phase of the oppos!t!on, scor!ng 51 keeps runn!ng from 53 conveyances, help!ng h!s group to w!n the match. !n December that year, the Bangladesh Cr!cket Load up (BCB) allowed Tam!m a one-year rev!ew C contract, one of 22 focal contracts held by the Load up at the t!me. !n sp!te of the fact that he was st!ll !n the most m!n!mal level of focal contracts, !t was an expans!on of h!s past contract, wh!ch kept go!ng s!x months.
Bangladesh's mentor, Jam!e S!ddons, op!ned !n January 2010 that Tam!m had "the mak!ngs of a world-class opener". On 25 January Tam!m !qbal scored 151 !n a record assoc!at!on w!th Juna!d S!dd!que aga!nst !nd!a.
W!sden Cr!cketer of the Year
Am!d the pr!nc!pal !nn!ngs of the pr!mary Test aga!nst Br!ta!n !n Walk 2010, Tam!m scored 86 keeps runn!ng from 120 conveyances. !n the process he turned !nto the speed!est Bangladesh batsman to ach!eve 1,000 Tr!als as far as !nn!ngs, tak!ng 19 to ach!eve the po!nt of !nterest. He add!t!onally turned !nto the th!rd-most youthful player !n Test h!story (beh!nd Sach!n Tendulkar and comrade Mohammad Ashraful) to ach!eve 1,000 Tr!als.!n May that year, Bangladesh v!s!ted Br!ta!n for two more Tests and three OD!s. !n sp!te of the fact that h!s group lost 2–0, Tam!m scored a century !n each of the Tests. For h!s exh!b!t!ons aga!nst Br!ta!n, Tam!m was named one of the W!sden Cr!cketers' Chron!cle's four Cr!cketers of the Year !n 2011. !n October he was l!kew!se named W!sden's Test Player of the Year, !n front of Graeme Swann and V!render Sehwag, who came next and th!rd !nd!v!dually. Am!d the qual!fy!ng t!me frame for the honor, Tam!m scored 837 keeps runn!ng !n seven Tests at a normal of 59.78. !t was recently the second t!me a Bangladesh player had won the honor, as Shak!b Al Hasan was named the earl!er year. Toward the beg!n of November, the BCB reported 16 focal contracts. Tam!m was one of s!x players at the top level.
Bangladesh bad hab!t sk!pper
!n December 2010, Tam!m supplanted Mushf!qur Rah!m as Bangladesh's bad hab!t sk!pper. !n the open!ng match of the 2011 World Glass he scored 70 aga!nst !nd!a !n a los!ng cause. !n the accompany!ng match aga!nst !reland he scored 44 off 43 balls, and took a catch. !n the follow!ng amusement aga!nst the West !ndependents, Tam!m was gotten at the sl!ps for a th!rd-ball duck as Bangladesh collapsed for !ts most reduced OD! score, 58 full scale. The accompany!ng d!vers!on aga!nst Br!ta!n he scored a snappy f!re 38 to get h!s s!de off to another great beg!n, w!th Bangladesh !n the end w!nn!ng by two w!ckets.
At the po!nt when Bangladesh v!s!ted Z!mbabwe !n July 2011 for a sol!tary Test and f!ve OD!s, they d!d as such w!th the des!re of w!nn!ng. Z!mbabwe were com!ng back from a s!x-year ban!sh from Tests, !n sp!te of the fact that Bangladesh had not played !n the arrangement !n over 14 months. Notw!thstand!ng assert!ng !n a press certa!nty that Z!mbabwe's bowlers postured l!ttle r!sk, Tam!m oversaw 58 keeps runn!ng !n the Test as Bangladesh sl!d to vanqu!sh. Bangladesh lost the accompany!ng OD! arrangement aga!nst Z!mbabwe 3–2. Bangladesh's batsmen battled ahead of schedule !n the arrangement, w!th Tam!m oversee!ng 157 keeps runn!ng from f!ve !nn!ngs at a normal of 31.40. !n the result of the arrangement, Shak!b and Tam!m were sacked as commander and bad hab!t sk!pper, w!th a BCB delegate refer!ng to the!r poor author!ty.
Post bad hab!t sk!pper
See add!t!onally: Rundown of hundreds of years !n Twenty20 Global cr!cket
West !ndependents v!s!ted !n October, confront!ng Bangladesh !n a T20!, three OD!s and two Tests. !n sp!te of the fact that Bangladesh lost the Test arrangement 1–0, Tam!m was h!s group's dr!v!ng run-scorer w!th 186 from four !nn!ngs, !nclud!ng two half-hundreds of years. The BCB establ!shed the s!x-group Bangladesh Ch!ef All!ance !n 2012, a twenty20 compet!t!on to be held !n February that year. The BCB made Tam!m the 'symbol player' for Ch!ttagong Lords. Be that as !t may, h!s appearances were restr!cted because of a crotch harm and he played only two matches and scored e!ght runs.
West !ndependents v!s!ted !n October, confront!ng Bangladesh !n a T20!, three OD!s and two Tests. !n sp!te of the fact that Bangladesh lost the Test arrangement 1–0, Tam!m was h!s group's dr!v!ng run-scorer w!th 186 from four !nn!ngs, !nclud!ng two half-hundreds of years. The BCB establ!shed the s!x-group Bangladesh Ch!ef All!ance !n 2012, a twenty20 compet!t!on to be held !n February that year. The BCB made Tam!m the 'symbol player' for Ch!ttagong Lords. Be that as !t may, h!s appearances were restr!cted because of a crotch harm and he played only two matches and scored e!ght runs.
!n Walk 2012 Bangladesh fac!l!tated the As!a Glass. Tam!m, who was recuperat!ng from typho!d, was at f!rst dropped from the squad on the requests of BCB pres!dent Mustafa Kamal. D!scuss!on resulted as Kamal had superseded the cho!ce board of trustees and !n the long run Tam!m was re-added to the squad. He reacted by str!k!ng four cont!nuous half-hundreds of years, turn!ng !nto the pr!mary Bangladesh player to accompl!sh the deed !n OD!s. Bangladesh advanced to the last aga!nst all des!res, !n sp!te of the fact that they lost to Pak!stan by 2 runs. Soon thereafter Tam!m marked w!th Pune Warr!ors !n the !nd!an Head Assoc!at!on, however d!d not play a sol!tary match for the group. !n Apr!l h!s top-level focal contract w!th the BCB was recharged.
!n late October, Well!ngton F!reb!rds marked h!m for the New Zealand household HRV Glass, a T20 r!valry. Tam!m was the pr!nc!pal Bangladesh! to play !n a New Zealand res!dent!al class.
!n late 2012 Bangladesh fac!l!tated West Non ma!nstream players, where Bangladesh won the OD! arrangement, notw!thstand!ng los!ng the T20 and the Test arrangement. H!s most elevated score am!d the OD! and Test arrangement was 58 and 72 !nd!v!dually. Tam!m's best execut!on !n the general arrangement was the unbeaten 88 !n the sol!tary T20 coord!nate, regardless of los!ng the match for 18 runs short.
After the West Non ma!nstream players arrangement, Tam!m went to New Zealand to jo!n the Well!ngton F!reb!rds. !n h!s month-long spell w!th the F!reb!rds, he scored 232 runs, !ncorporat!ng two half-hundreds of years w!th a normal of 38.66. He returned to Bangladesh !n m!d January to lead Duronto Rajshah! !n second release of BPL.
!n Walk 2013, when Bangladesh v!s!ted Sr! Lanka, Tam!m was not chosen for the ma!n Test but rather made 10 and 59 !n the accompany!ng Test. !n the ma!n OD!, Tam!m turned !nto the pr!mary Bangladesh! to score a hundred aga!nst Sr! Lanka w!th a 136-ball 112 preced!ng be!ng run out. Banglad
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