bangladeshi cricketer mohmmad mushfiqur rahim biography
bangladeshi cricketer mohmmad mushfiqur rahim biography
Mohammad Mushf!qur Rah!m (born twelve m!ght 1988) could be a Bangladesh! athlete, and current check capta!n for Bangla Desh. he's add!t!onally a former OD! and T20! capta!n for Bangla Desh. He created h!s check debut !n 2005, at the age of s!xteen, throughout Bangladesh's !n!t!al tour of European nat!on and also the next year contend h!s !n!t!al at some po!nt !nternat!onal. He spec!al!ses as a cr!cketer and could be a m!ddle order ballplayer. the pr!mary check double centur!an for Bangla Desh, Rah!m !s add!t!onally the foremost undefeated cr!cketer ballplayer for {bangladesh|Bangladesh|People's Republ!c of Bangla Desh|Bangla Desh|East Pak!stan|As!an country|As!an nat!on} w!th most d!sm!ssals !n Bangladesh h!story.
Between August 2009 and Gregor!an calendar month 2010 Rah!m served as Bangladesh's v!ce-capta!n all told formats. At domest!c level he represents Rajshah! D!v!s!on and capta!ns Sylhet Super Stars.
Accord!ng to Jam!e Sarah Kemble S!ddons !n 2010, a former Bangla Desh coach, Rah!m's batt!ng !s thus versat!le that he w!ll bat anyplace w!th!n the pr!me order, from one to 6.
Rah!m batt!ng aga!nst European nat!on !n a very check at Lord's !n m!ght 2010.
Dur!ng the 2006 U-19 Cr!cket tourney, hosted by land !n February, Rah!m capta!ned the Bangla Desh aspect !nclud!ng future !nternat!onal players Shak!b Al Hasan and Tam!m !qbal among others. Rah!m was one !n all 2 players at the tournament w!th Test-match expert!se. below h!s steerage Bangla Desh reached the quarter f!nals of the tournament. Later that month Rah!m was recalled to the sen!or check squad for the pr!mary t!me s!nce the br!ta!n tour !n 2005. He was chosen as a spec!al!st batsmen, w!th Khaled Mashud chosen because the cr!cketer for the ser!es aga!nst land.
The {bangladesh|Bangladesh|People's Republ!c of Bangla Desh|Bangla Desh|East Pak!stan|As!an country|As!an nat!on} Cr!cket Board based the s!x-team Bangladesh Prem!er League !n 2012, a twenty20 tournament to be command !n February that year. The BCB created Mushf!q the '!con player' for Duronto Rajshah!. below h!s leadersh!p Duronto overcame a weak beg!n to reach the sem!-f!nals wherever they lost to Bar!sal Burners; Rah!m contr!buted 234 runs from eleven matches.
Although at the start named w!th!n the squad as a part-t!me cr!cketer, h!s performances w!th!n the heat up matches crystal rect!f!er to h!s cho!ce for the pr!mary check at Lord's as a spec!al!st ballplayer l!kew!se. The 16-year-old Rah!m scored n!neteen w!th!n the !n!t!al !nn!ngs and was one !n all s!mply 3 ballplayer to succeed !n double f!gures as Bangla Desh were unemployed for 108. once tw!st!ng h!s mort!se jo!nt, he d!dn't contend add!t!onal half w!th!n the tour.
Rah!m was enclosed !n Bangladesh's squad to tour Afr!can country for 5 OD!s !n 2006. He was one !n all 3 uncrowned OD! players enclosed w!th!n the squad aboard all-rounders Farhad Reza and Shak!b Al Hasan. He scored h!s ma!den per!od of t!me at {harare|Harare|Sal!sbury|cap!tal of Afr!can country|nat!onal cap!tal} aga!nst Z!mbabwe.
h!s smart performances crystal rect!f!er h!m to p!cked because the f!rst-cho!ce cr!cketer sooner than Khaled Mashud for the planet Cup w!th!n the the !nd!es. Rah!m was chosen as a result of h!s batt!ng was thought of h!gher.
Rah!m was recalled for the second check aga!nst land !n July 2007, replacement Mashud. though Bangla Desh lost by Assoc!ate !n Nurs!ng !nn!ngs and n!nety runs, Rah!m comb!ned w!th Mahound Ashraful – the new capta!n – to atta!n a record 191 for Bangladesh's s!xth-w!cket partnersh!p. !n Gregor!an calendar month 2007, the Bangla Desh Cr!cket Board (BCB) granted Rah!m a annual grade B (th!rd t!er) contract, one !n all twenty two central contracts w!th the Board at the t!me.
Follow!ng the 2007 !CC Cr!cket tourney, Rah!m endured a ser!es of poor scores, as well as 5 !nn!ngs w!th!n wh!ch he assembled four runs altogether. As a result, once Afr!can nat!on toured !n March for 3 OD!s and {bangladesh|Bangladesh|People's Republ!c of Bangladesh|Bangla Desh|East !slam!c Republ!c of Pak!stan|As!an country|As!an nat!on} v!s!ted Pak!stan for 5 OD!s succeed!ng month, Rah!m was born !n favour of Dh!man Ghosh.
Rah!m was recalled to the squad for a tr!-ser!es w!th !slam!c Republ!c of Pak!stan and !nd!a and also the 2008 As!a Cup. once seventeen contracts were procla!med !n Apr!l 2009, Rah!m's was rev!ved, mark!ng Rah!m as Bangladesh's !n!t!al select!on 'keeper.
Rah!m keep!ng w!cket aga!nst European nat!on at recent Trafford !n 2010
Rah!m ma!nta!ned the v!ce-capta!ncy for the house check ser!es aga!nst !nd!a !n Gregor!an calendar month and February 2010. On twenty one Gregor!an calendar month, w!th!n the f!fth day of the pr!mary check, he scored h!s ma!den check century and also the qu!ckest by a Bangladesh! !n check cr!cket, off solely 112 balls as Bangla Desh delayed Assoc!ate !n Nurs!ng !nd!an end!ng, be!ng the last man out as !nd!a won by 113 runs. European nat!on toured Bangla Desh !n February and March for 2 Tests and 3 OD!s, wherever Bangla Desh lost all 2 formats. w!th!n the ser!es, Rah!m was h!s team's second-h!ghest run-scorer. He scored 2 half-centur!es w!th!n the !n!t!al check, turn!ng !nto the s!xth Bangla Desh ballplayer to perform the ach!evement.
Hav!ng affected recept!on, Rah!m's performance w!th!n the come back tour !n European nat!on !n m!ght was expected to be cruc!al for the rank!ngs. w!th!n the tour, Rah!m m!ght managed forty runs from 2 Tests as Bangladesh's batsmen struggled !n Engl!sh cond!t!ons and unerect to a 2–0 defeat. w!th!n the !n!t!al OD! of the tour Rah!m was sm!tten w!th!n the face whereas keep!ng w!cket to sp!nner Fa!sal !bn Abdel Az!z al-Saud Hossa!n. Assoc!ate !n Nurs!ng x-ray unconcealed no fractures, but as a precaut!on he was rested for every week, m!ss!ng the rema!nder of the ser!es.
On November 2010, BCB procla!med s!xteen central contracts. Rah!m was one !n all s!x players w!th!n the pr!me level. !n Gregor!an calendar month 2010, Tam!m !qbal replaced Rah!m as Bangladesh's v!ce-capta!n.
Accord!ng to Jam!e Sarah Kemble S!ddons !n 2010, a former Bangla Desh coach, Rah!m's batt!ng !s thus versat!le that he w!ll bat anyplace w!th!n the pr!me order, from one to 6.
Personal l!fe
Rah!m was born on n!ne m!ght 1988 to Mahbub Hab!b and Rah!ma Khatun. Rah!m !n between enjoy!ng cr!cket, stud!ed h!story at the Jahang!rnagar Un!vers!ty. He f!n!shed h!s college l!fe from Bogra Z!lla college He !ncomprehens!ble the exams for h!s degree !n Apr!l 2012 as he had to part!c!pate for tour of !slam!c Republ!c of Pak!stan. However, the tour was delayed and Rah!m allowed to s!t down the exams.Early career
Before enjoy!ng for the nat!onal team, Rah!m contend for Bangla Desh Under-19s. He del!neate them !n 3 Youth Tests and e!ghteen Youth at some po!nt !nternat!onals (OD!s) between 2004 and 2006, averag!ng th!rty one.75 and 36.00 w!th the bat w!th!n the var!ous formats. Rah!m tra!ned at the Bangla Desh !nst!tute of Sports.Rah!m batt!ng aga!nst European nat!on !n a very check at Lord's !n m!ght 2010.
Dur!ng the 2006 U-19 Cr!cket tourney, hosted by land !n February, Rah!m capta!ned the Bangla Desh aspect !nclud!ng future !nternat!onal players Shak!b Al Hasan and Tam!m !qbal among others. Rah!m was one !n all 2 players at the tournament w!th Test-match expert!se. below h!s steerage Bangla Desh reached the quarter f!nals of the tournament. Later that month Rah!m was recalled to the sen!or check squad for the pr!mary t!me s!nce the br!ta!n tour !n 2005. He was chosen as a spec!al!st batsmen, w!th Khaled Mashud chosen because the cr!cketer for the ser!es aga!nst land.
Domest!c career
On Gregor!an calendar month 2010, Rah!m recorded h!s best score !n a very one-day match. enjoy!ng for Rajshah! w!th!n the Nat!onal Cr!cket League, he scored 114 from one hundred twenty del!ver!es as h!s team lost by e!ght runs.The {bangladesh|Bangladesh|People's Republ!c of Bangla Desh|Bangla Desh|East Pak!stan|As!an country|As!an nat!on} Cr!cket Board based the s!x-team Bangladesh Prem!er League !n 2012, a twenty20 tournament to be command !n February that year. The BCB created Mushf!q the '!con player' for Duronto Rajshah!. below h!s leadersh!p Duronto overcame a weak beg!n to reach the sem!-f!nals wherever they lost to Bar!sal Burners; Rah!m contr!buted 234 runs from eleven matches.
!nternat!onal career
Rah!m was chosen for Bangladesh's tour of European nat!on !n 2005. !t had been Bangladesh's !n!t!al tour of European nat!on, wherever they two-faced unknown cond!t!ons and also the batsmen struggled aga!nst seam bowl!ng and uneven bounce throughout the ser!es. Mushf!qur custom-made h!s batt!ng vogue w!th!n the heat up matches, "cons!stently enjoy!ng late and stra!ght" cons!stent w!th W!sden, and managed to atta!n s!xty three aga!nst geograph!cal area and scored a hundred and f!fteen not out aga!nst Northamptonsh!re w!th!n the heat up matches.Although at the start named w!th!n the squad as a part-t!me cr!cketer, h!s performances w!th!n the heat up matches crystal rect!f!er to h!s cho!ce for the pr!mary check at Lord's as a spec!al!st ballplayer l!kew!se. The 16-year-old Rah!m scored n!neteen w!th!n the !n!t!al !nn!ngs and was one !n all s!mply 3 ballplayer to succeed !n double f!gures as Bangla Desh were unemployed for 108. once tw!st!ng h!s mort!se jo!nt, he d!dn't contend add!t!onal half w!th!n the tour.
Rah!m was enclosed !n Bangladesh's squad to tour Afr!can country for 5 OD!s !n 2006. He was one !n all 3 uncrowned OD! players enclosed w!th!n the squad aboard all-rounders Farhad Reza and Shak!b Al Hasan. He scored h!s ma!den per!od of t!me at {harare|Harare|Sal!sbury|cap!tal of Afr!can country|nat!onal cap!tal} aga!nst Z!mbabwe.
h!s smart performances crystal rect!f!er h!m to p!cked because the f!rst-cho!ce cr!cketer sooner than Khaled Mashud for the planet Cup w!th!n the the !nd!es. Rah!m was chosen as a result of h!s batt!ng was thought of h!gher.

Follow!ng the 2007 !CC Cr!cket tourney, Rah!m endured a ser!es of poor scores, as well as 5 !nn!ngs w!th!n wh!ch he assembled four runs altogether. As a result, once Afr!can nat!on toured !n March for 3 OD!s and {bangladesh|Bangladesh|People's Republ!c of Bangladesh|Bangla Desh|East !slam!c Republ!c of Pak!stan|As!an country|As!an nat!on} v!s!ted Pak!stan for 5 OD!s succeed!ng month, Rah!m was born !n favour of Dh!man Ghosh.
Rah!m was recalled to the squad for a tr!-ser!es w!th !slam!c Republ!c of Pak!stan and !nd!a and also the 2008 As!a Cup. once seventeen contracts were procla!med !n Apr!l 2009, Rah!m's was rev!ved, mark!ng Rah!m as Bangladesh's !n!t!al select!on 'keeper.
Rah!m was appo!nted v!ce-capta!n for Bangladesh's tour of Afr!can country !n August 2009. The pos!t!on was vacated because the prev!ous holder, Shak!b Al Hasan, was f!ll!ng-!n as capta!n for the d!sabled Mashrafe Mortaza. Bangla Desh won the 5 match OD! ser!es 4–1. w!th!n the f!nal OD!, Rah!m scored n!nety e!ght, beat!ng h!s prev!ous h!ghest score !n l!st A matches of f!fty e!ght, to ass!st h!s team to end!ng. W!th 169 runs w!th!n the ser!es at a mean of f!fty s!x.33, Rah!m f!n!shes the tour as Bangladesh's fourth-h!ghest run scorer.Rah!m keep!ng w!cket aga!nst European nat!on at recent Trafford !n 2010
Rah!m ma!nta!ned the v!ce-capta!ncy for the house check ser!es aga!nst !nd!a !n Gregor!an calendar month and February 2010. On twenty one Gregor!an calendar month, w!th!n the f!fth day of the pr!mary check, he scored h!s ma!den check century and also the qu!ckest by a Bangladesh! !n check cr!cket, off solely 112 balls as Bangla Desh delayed Assoc!ate !n Nurs!ng !nd!an end!ng, be!ng the last man out as !nd!a won by 113 runs. European nat!on toured Bangla Desh !n February and March for 2 Tests and 3 OD!s, wherever Bangla Desh lost all 2 formats. w!th!n the ser!es, Rah!m was h!s team's second-h!ghest run-scorer. He scored 2 half-centur!es w!th!n the !n!t!al check, turn!ng !nto the s!xth Bangla Desh ballplayer to perform the ach!evement.
Hav!ng affected recept!on, Rah!m's performance w!th!n the come back tour !n European nat!on !n m!ght was expected to be cruc!al for the rank!ngs. w!th!n the tour, Rah!m m!ght managed forty runs from 2 Tests as Bangladesh's batsmen struggled !n Engl!sh cond!t!ons and unerect to a 2–0 defeat. w!th!n the !n!t!al OD! of the tour Rah!m was sm!tten w!th!n the face whereas keep!ng w!cket to sp!nner Fa!sal !bn Abdel Az!z al-Saud Hossa!n. Assoc!ate !n Nurs!ng x-ray unconcealed no fractures, but as a precaut!on he was rested for every week, m!ss!ng the rema!nder of the ser!es.
On November 2010, BCB procla!med s!xteen central contracts. Rah!m was one !n all s!x players w!th!n the pr!me level. !n Gregor!an calendar month 2010, Tam!m !qbal replaced Rah!m as Bangladesh's v!ce-capta!n.
Rah!m was enclosed !n Bangladesh's 15-man squad for the 2011 tourney. Bangla Desh were knocked get !n the cluster stage and Rah!m had a poor tournament !n person. there have been suggest!ons that he can be born, part!cularly as fellow cr!cketer Dh!man Ghosh was mark!ng heav!ly !n Bangladesh's domest!c compet!t!on. !n August 2011, Mushf!qur h!t one hundred and one from a hundred balls hav!ng h!s second century aga!nst Afr!can country wasn't enough to prevent Bangla Desh los!ng the th!rd one-day ser!es by 5 runs.
Capta!ncy 2011-Present
On twenty Sep 2011, Rah!m was named Bangla Desh capta!n, se!z!ng from Shak!b Al Hasan once a unsat!sfactory tour of Afr!can country. The announcement was created m!dway through the BCB Cup, a tournament !nvolv!ng the sen!or Bangla Desh team, Bangla Desh A, and a aspect created from academy players. Rah!m had already been capta!n!ng Bangla Desh w!th!n the tournament on a short l!ved bas!s. The compet!t!on was won by Bangla Desh A.
!n 2011, the !nd!es toured Bangla Desh !n Oct for a T20!, three OD!s, and 2 Tests. !n h!s !n!t!al !nternat!onal match as capta!n, Rah!m created a Man-of-the-Match performance, mark!ng forty-one not out from twenty s!x balls to ass!st h!s team to end!ng. Despt!re T20! w!n, Bangla Desh lost the OD! ser!es 2–1. Rah!m was Bangladesh!'s lead!ng run-scorer w!th a hundred, as well as a f!fty. the subsequent month, !slam!c Republ!c of Pak!stan toured for 3 OD!s and 2 Tests. Bangla Desh lost the OD! ser!es 3–0, and Rah!m managed s!mply twelve runs from 3 !nn!ngs.
!n the 2012 As!a Cup, below Rah!m's off!ce, {bangladesh|Bangladesh|People's Republ!c of Bangladesh|Bangla Desh|East !slam!c Republ!c of Pak!stan|As!an country|As!an nat!on} won 2 out of the 3 games they need contend and reached the ult!mate for the pr!mary t!me wherever they lost to Pak!stan w!th!n the f!nal. !n Apr!l h!s grade A+ central contract was rev!ved. On eleven March 2013, throughout the pr!mary check of the tour of land !n Galle, Rah!m became the pr!mary Bangledesh! to atta!n a double hundred, beat!ng the prev!ous h!ghest of a hundred n!nety set by prophet Ashraful earl!er w!th!n the day.

Rah!m cont!nued h!s off!ce !n 2014 and lost to land !n a very home ser!es. throughout the ser!es, he suffered a hand !njury that he was replaced w!th Anamul Haque !n w!cket keep!ng. He add!t!onally !gnored the T20 !nternat!onal matches aga!nst land w!th!n wh!ch Mashrafe Mortaza took the work of off!ce. He scored h!s second one-day !nternat!onal century aga!nst !nd!a w!th!n the start!ng of the 2014 As!a Cup however struggled there!n match together w!th h!s !njury.
!n the next match aga!nst Afghan!stan, Rah!m cont!nued h!s type however lost the match by th!rty two runs to Assoc!ate !n Nurs!ng assoc!ate team for the pr!mary t!me as a check nat!on. H!s team add!t!onally lost the match aga!nst !slam!c Republ!c of Pak!stan there!n same tournament even once mark!ng 326 that was the!r h!ghest OD! score, courtesy of Shah!d Afr!d!'s bl!ter!ng knock. Later they lost to land !n the!r last match of the ser!es that created them lose all 3 matches.
Bangladesh qual!f!ed for the super 10s w!th!n the 2014 !CC World Twenty20, by w!nn!ng 2 of the!r 3 matches !n qual!fy!ng stage. however they were knocked get !n the super 10s, hav!ng lost all the four matches.
Bangladesh toured the the !nd!es !n August 2014. throughout the pr!mary check, Mushf!qur scored 116 w!th!n the second !nn!ngs, study!ng h!s th!rd check century.However, they lost all 3 OD!s and 2 check matches.
On Sep 2014, BCB appo!nted Mortaza because the OD! capta!n whereas Rah!m st!ll rema!ned to be the sk!pper !n check formats for Bangla Desh. !n 2014, aga!nst Afr!can country !n November, 2014, Bangla Desh pa!nted Afr!can country !n each the 3 tests and 5 OD!s. He was add!t!onally awarded the person of the ser!es for the OD! matches.
!n March 2017, throughout the second check aga!nst land, Rah!m took h!s a centes!mal d!sm!ssal as a cr!cketer. He became the pr!mary cr!cketer for Bangla Desh to succeed !n th!s m!lestone.
Head !njury
Head !njury
Dur!ng the pr!mary check aga!nst New Sjaelland at Bas!n Reserve, Rah!m was h!t on the rear of the helmet on the f!fth day of match and r!ght away taken to hosp!tal. The !nc!dent happened w!th!n the forty th!rd over of Bangladesh's second !nn!ngs once T!m Southee bowled a guard that h!t Rah!m s!mply beh!nd left ear as he was attempt!ng to duck. !n!t!al X-rays and scans to h!s neck adv!sed he was out of !mmed!ate danger. Rah!m attended to the post match presentat!on once the treatments.
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