bangladeshi cricketer mustafizur rahman biography
bangladeshi cricketer mustafizur rahman biography

Rahman created h!s !nternat!onal cr!cket debut aga!nst West Pak!stan w!th!n the Twenty20 format !n Apr 2015. Later that year, he v!e h!s !n!t!al sooner or later !nternat!onal and take a look at matches aga!nst As!an country and Afr!can nat!on, severally.
Before h!s !nternat!onal career, Rahman v!e w!th!n the 2014 Under-19 Cr!cket tournament. He conjo!ntly del!neate Dacca|nat!onal cap!tal} Dynam!tes w!th!n the 2015 Bangladesh Prem!er League and Sunr!sers Hyderabad w!th!n the 2016 !nd!an Prem!er League.
Early l!fe
Mustaf!zur Rahman grew up w!th!n the commun!ty of Shatkh!ra !n Khulna D!v!s!on, Bangladesh. he's the youngest of Abul Qasem Gaz! and Mahmuda Khatun's s!x k!ds.[2] H!s father !s assoc!ate warm fan of cr!cket. Rahman's !nterest !n cr!cket rose once he started act!ve the sport forty k!lometers removed from home each morn!ng, along w!th h!s brother Mokhlesur Rahman. Th!s affected h!s educat!on as he often sk!pped study to play cr!cket.
Pr!or to d!scover!ng h!s bowl!ng ab!l!t!es, Rahman v!e as a batter w!th a ball. !n l!ne w!th h!m, he took !nsp!rat!on from Pak!stan! pacer Muhammad ruler, WHO !s h!s !dol.
Early career
!n 2012, Rahman came to the cap!tal Dacca to do out for a fast-bowlers camp. before that, scouters !n!t!al encountered h!m !n assoc!ate Under-17 tournament !n h!s town. He was adm!tted to the People's Republ!c of Bangladesh Cr!cket Board's foundat!on of qu!ck bowl!ng. shortly he was hand-p!cked to the People's Republ!c of Bangladesh Under-19 aspect for the 2014 Under-19 Cr!cket tournament !n UAE, wherever he took a complete of e!ght w!ckets.
Rahman started each h!s fantabulous cr!cket and L!st-A cr!cket from 2014, represent!ng Khulna D!v!s!on and Abahan! restr!cted, severally. He was p!cked for People's Republ!c of Bangladesh A's tour of the !nd!es.
!nternat!onal career
!nternat!onal career
Mustaf!zur began h!s !nternat!onal career !n an exceed!ngly twenty overs match aga!nst West Pak!stan on twenty four Apr 2015, wherever he took the w!ckets of Shah!d Afr!d! and Muhammad Hafeez, 2 veteran Pak!stan! batsmen.
!n June, As!an country toured People's Republ!c of Bangladesh for one take a look at and 3 sooner or later !nternat!onals. Rahman was p!cked w!th!n the OD! squad. !n h!s !n!t!al match of the ser!es, Rahman gave s!gns of h!s potent!al aga!nst the sturdy !nd!an batt!ng l!ne-up by tak!ng a f!ve-w!cket cart off n!ne.2 overs w!th!n the !n!t!al match. People's Republ!c of Bangladesh won the match and
Rahman became the tenth bowler w!th!n the h!story of OD!s to requ!re 5 w!ckets on debut. w!th!n the second OD!, Rahman took another s!x w!ckets. Th!s helped h!m to earn the record of most w!ckets of any bowler once 2 OD!s, surpass!ng the record antecedently command by Z!mbabwe's Br!an V!tor!. He completed the last OD! w!th a pa!r of w!ckets and created h!story by tak!ng th!rteen w!ckets !n an exceed!ngly three-match OD! ser!es.
The follow!ng month, Rahman took f!ve w!ckets !n 3 OD!s to ass!st People's Republ!c of Bangladesh w!n the ser!es aga!nst Afr!can nat!on by 2–1. He created h!s take a look at debut w!th!n the same ser!es versus Afr!can nat!on wherever he p!cked up four w!ckets.
!njury !ssues:
!n the month of Gregor!an calendar month, People's Republ!c of Bangladesh hosted Southern Rhodes!a for 3 OD!s and 2 T20s. Rahman v!e a sal!ent role w!th!n the OD! matches, tak!ng a complete of e!ght w!ckets. He captured h!s th!rd f!ve-w!cket haul w!th!n the last game. He couldn't contr!bute abundant w!th!n the T20 ser!es, although he bowled econom!cally, that resulted each s!de shar!ng a w!n. follow!ng year !n Jan, People's Republ!c of Bangladesh once more v!e w!th Southern
Rhodes!a !n four T20s. Rahman v!e w!th!n the !n!t!al 2 matches, that they won. whereas bowl!ng w!th!n the second T20! aga!nst Southern Rhodes!a !n Jan 2016, Mustaf!zur contused h!s shoulder. Follow!ng that, he was born from the squad for the pr!mary t!me s!nce debut.
Dur!ng the As!a Cup command w!th!n the next month, he was once more aspectl!ned from the team thanks to h!s s!de stra!n, tak!ng part !n solely the pr!mary 3 games. He was ready to play aga!nst Austral!a, {!nd!a|!nd!a|Republ!c of As!an country|Bharat|As!an country|As!an nat!on} and New Sjaelland w!th!n the 2016 !CC World Twenty20 command !n !nd!a !n March. w!th!n the 3 matches he v!e, he took 9 w!ckets as well as a 5 w!cket haul aga!nst New Sjaelland. Rahman was once more unable to play all matches once People's Republ!c of Bangladesh toured New Sjaelland throughout Gregor!an calendar month 2016 and Jan 2017. He v!e h!s !n!t!al matched game s!nce August 2015 aga!nst land at Galle !n March 2017, tak!ng e!ght w!ckets w!th!n the ser!es.
Domest!c career
Bangladesh Prem!er League
Rahman's !n!t!al sk!lled Twenty20 career outs!de !nternat!onal cr!cket was the People's Republ!c of Bangladesh Prem!er League, wherever he v!e for Dacca Dynam!tes !n !ts 2015 season. He took fourteen w!ckets !n ten matches !n th!s tournament.
!nd!an Prem!er League
!n the !nd!an Prem!er League auct!on of the 2016 season, Rahman was wr!tten by Sunr!sers Hyderabad. He took seventeen w!ckets !n s!xteen matches w!th!n the tournament wherever h!s team won the t!tle. He was named as "Emerg!ng Player of the Tournament", be!ng the pr!mary overseas player to rece!ve th!s award.
NatWest T20 Blast
!n March 2016, Engl!sh aspect geograph!cal area procla!med that they'd s!gned Rahman as the!r second overseas player for the T20 Blast compet!t!on. He p!cked up four w!ckets whereas freely g!v!ng twenty three runs !n h!s debut match aga!nst Essex. once another match, he faced a shoulder surgery that s!del!ned h!m for 6 months.
Pak!stan Super League
Pak!stan Super League
Mustaf!zur was hand-p!cked by urban center Qalandars w!th!n the West Pak!stan Super League. The BCB was reluctant to let h!m play there. However, the d!ff!culty was resolved once Rahman got a shoulder !njury !n early 2016, therefore prevent!ng h!m from tak!ng part !n w!th!n the PSL.
Play!ng vogue
Rahman ach!eved success w!th!n the start!ng of h!s !nternat!onal career by bowl!ng off cutters, a sort of bowl!ng that sw!ngs the ball away. Rahman expl!c!t on a group d!scuss!on !n June 2015 that he !n!t!al d!scovered the techn!que once h!s fellow jock, Anamul Haque !ns!sted h!m to bowl a slower del!very.
Play!ng vogue
Rahman ach!eved success w!th!n the start!ng of h!s !nternat!onal career by bowl!ng off cutters, a sort of bowl!ng that sw!ngs the ball away. Rahman expl!c!t on a group d!scuss!on !n June 2015 that he !n!t!al d!scovered the techn!que once h!s fellow jock, Anamul Haque !ns!sted h!m to bowl a slower del!very.
Med!a and d!sc!pl!nary record
Rahman was power-ass!sted by capta!n Mashrafe Mortaza to speak on post-match !nterv!ew double, and on a group d!scuss!on once. Normally, he struggles to talk to the med!a and publ!c.
!n h!s !n!t!al OD! match, Rahman coll!ded w!th the !nd!an batter MS Dhon! on tw!ce whereas Dhon! was tak!ng runs. The !nc!dent pr!ce each men to be pun!shed post-match.
Records and ach!evements
Mustaf!zur Rahman became the tenth bowler to requ!re a f!ve-w!cket haul on OD! debut. He ach!eved the records of tak!ng the foremost w!ckets (11) furthermore because the fourth player to be awarded Man of the match w!th!n the !n!t!al 2 beg!nn!ng OD! matches.
Rahman took th!rteen w!ckets !n an exceed!ngly three-match b!lateral OD! ser!es, that !s that the h!ghest as of 2017. he's the pr!mary player to w!n Man of the Match awards on each take a look at and OD! debuts.
The body of cr!cket, the !nternat!onal Cr!cket Counc!l, enclosed Rahman on the !CC OD! Team of the Year !n 2015, recogn!z!ng h!m !n concert of the h!ghest cr!cketers of that year. he's the pr!mary Bangladesh! jock to real!ze th!s and therefore the second to be hand-p!cked for any !CC team once Shak!b Al Hasan. !n Gregor!an calendar month 2016, he was named the !CC r!s!ng jock of the Year, chang!ng !nto the pr!mary Bangladesh! player to w!n one amongst the !CC's annual awards. Rahman was conjo!ntly enclosed because the twelfth man w!th!n the 2016 !CC World Twenty20 restroom Team of the Tournament. He won the ESPNcr!c!nfo Award for the most effect!ve T20 performance of the year 2016 for h!s ma!den T20! f!ve-w!cket haul aga!nst New Sjaelland throughout the planet T20.
Rahman conjo!ntly won the most effect!ve contestant of the Year Award from the People's Republ!c of Bangladesh Sports news organ!sat!on (BSPA) of the year 2015.
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