bangladeshi cricketer shahriar nafees biography
bangladeshi cricketer shahriar nafees biography
Shahr!ar Nafees Ahmed (conce!ved 1 May 1985) !s a Bangladesh! cr!cketer. A left-gave open!ng batsman, he made h!s One Day Global (OD!) make a b!g appearance for Bangladesh !n 2005 aga!nst Br!ta!n, and later that year played h!s f!rst Test. !n 2008 he jo!ned the !nd!an Cr!cket All!ance as a major aspect of the Dhaka Warr!ors. The !nd!v!duals from the group were g!ven 10-year bans by the Bangladesh Cr!cket Board wh!ch were l!fted when they ex!ted the class. Nafees has s!nce come back to the nat!onal group. Locally he plays for Bar!sal D!v!s!on.

At the end of the day access!ble to play for Bangladesh, Nafees came back to the squad surpr!s!ngly s!nce jo!n!ng the !CL !n plann!ng for Bangladesh's home arrangement aga!nst !nd!a !n January. Bangladesh lost both Tests, and Nafees played !n one, scor!ng 25 runs. H!s Test return kept go!ng one match and Nafees would need to hold up over year and a half before play!ng another Test. He made h!s arr!val !n an OD! arrangement aga!nst New Zealand !n October 2010 !n wh!ch he scored 35 as Bangladesh won that match and 73 !n the follow!ng match as Bangladesh at the end of the day took a seven-w!cket tr!umph. Regardless of h!s great execut!on Nafees was !n!t!ally chosen !n l!ght of the fact that Tam!m !qbal was harmed and !n the long run cleared a path for h!m !n the arrangement aga!nst Z!mbabwe and he was put on standby !f there should ar!se an occurrence of a damage. !n the !n!t!al two years after h!s arr!val from the !CL Nafees played only four OD!s.
!ncorporated !nto Bangladesh's squad for the 2011 World Glass, Nafees played !n two matches (scor!ng 42 keeps runn!ng) as the group left the compet!t!on !n the gather!ng stage. He was held !n the squad to face Austral!a !n three OD!s promptly after the World Glass completed !n Apr!l, and struck two half-hundreds of years that establ!shed h!s place !n the s!de. Nafees was rev!ewed to the squad to face Z!mbabwe !n August. !n the co!nc!dental Test, h!s f!rst s!nce January 2010, he made scores of 50 and 9 as Bangladesh out of the blue sl!d to vanqu!sh.
Subsequent to scor!ng 82 runs !ncorporat!ng a half-century !n the pr!nc!pal Test aga!nst the West !ndependents !n October, Nafees persevered through a keep runn!ng of low scores crossw!se over Tests and OD!s that endangered h!s place !n the group. He reacted by str!k!ng an !nn!ngs of 97 aga!nst Pak!stan !n the second match of a two-Test arrangement. The 180-run organ!zat!on was a po!nt of !nterest !n a few ways: !t was record for Bangladesh's f!fth w!cket, the f!rst run through the group had batted through an ent!re sess!on w!thout los!ng a w!cket s!nce Walk 2010, and the group's f!rst century assoc!at!on !n Tests s!nce June 2010.
The Bangladesh Cr!cket Board establ!shed the s!x-group Bangladesh Ch!ef Class !n 2012, a twenty20 compet!t!on to be held !n February that year. The BCB made Shahr!ar the 'symbol player' for Bar!sal Burners. !n sp!te of h!s status, Nafees played only f!ve matches, scor!ng 38 runs.
He was the pr!nc!pal T20! commander for Bangladesh and furthermore he's the most youthful T20! ch!ef for Bangladesh at 21 years old years and 211 days and he's second just most youthful to lead h!s group !n T20! after Rodney Trott
!n the second release of BPL held !n 2013, he jo!ned Khulna !mper!al Bengals. He was chosen as the commander of the group. He scored the lady century !n BPL 2. Before h!m, no other Bangladesh! player scored a century ever.
2006 – BCB Cr!cketer of the Year
2006 – BCB Best Batsman of the Year
2006 – GrameenPhone-Prothom Alo Sportsperson of the Year
Worldw!de hundreds of years
!n the sect!on Runs, * demonstrates be!ng not out
The sect!on t!tle Match alludes to the Match Number of the player's vocat!on
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