bd actress mahia mahi biography
bd actress mahia mahi biography
Mah!ya Mah! (conce!ved 27 October) !s a Bangladesh! f!lm on-screen character. She has set up an effect!ve profess!on !n Bangladesh! mov!es, and !s refered to !n the med!a as a standout amongst the most well known and allur!ng Bangladesh! perform!ng art!sts. She made her !ntroduct!on !n the f!lm Bhalobashar Rong !n 2012 wh!ch was an !mmense money related ach!evement.
Early l!fe and tra!n!ng
Conce!ved !n Rajshah!, Bangladesh, she has f!n!shed her aux!l!ary tutor!ng from Uttara Secondary School, Dhaka !n 2010 and h!gher opt!onal tutor!ng from Dhaka C!ty School !n 2012 w!th splend!d outcomes. She !s r!ght now contemplat!ng BSc (Hons) !n mold plann!ng at Shanta-Marr!um College of !mag!nat!ve !nnovat!on.
L!fe story:
Local name: Mah!a Mah!
Born: 27 October
B!rth Place: Rajshah!, Bangladesh
Res!dence: Dhaka, Bangladesh
Nat!onal!ty: Bangladesh!
Alma mater: Shanta-Marr!um College of !nnovat!ve !nnovat!on
Occupat!on: F!lm performer, maker, art!st
A long t!me act!ve 2012–present
Known for: Agnee
Remarkable work: Agnee and Agnee 2
Spouse(s): Parvej Mahmud Opu
Mah! made her act!ng presentat!on w!th Bhalobashar Rong !n 2012, !nverse to another debutante Bappy Chowdhury. Bhalobashar Rong !s alluded as the ma!n Bangladesh! advanced s!lver screen as per Jaaz Med!a. The f!lm was pronounced as a tremendous money related ach!evement.
!n 2013, Mah! showed up !n four mov!es. Her !n!t!ally d!scharge was Onnorokom Bhalobasha. Aga!n !nverse to Bappy Chowdhury. Her next d!scharge was PoraMon, !nverse to Sa!mon Sad!k.
Her th!rd f!lm of the year denoted her f!rst cooperat!on w!th Bangladesh! S!lver screen's dr!v!ng on-screen character Shak!b Khan as they were matched up !n Bhalobasha Aaj Kal surpr!s!ngly. The couple was generally welcomed by the gather!ng of people and the f!lm was procla!med as a noteworthy f!lm !ndustry ach!evement. The Day by day Star noted about the f!lm, "The Shak!b Khan and Mah!ya Mah! twosome was del!ghtful". New Age revealed, "'Shak!b-Mah! couple !s except!onally very much coord!nated. Comb!ned up w!th heartthrob Shak!b Khan, Mah! won the hearts of the f!lm partners through her act!ng !n Bhalobasha Aaj Kal".
Mah!'s last d!scharge was Tobuo Bhalobash!, by and by !nverse to Bappy Chowdhury.
Mah!'s f!rst d!scharge !n 2014 !s K! Darun Dekhte. !t d!d very great !n the mov!es.
Her next and hotly ant!c!pated mot!on p!cture Agnee, !s a lad!es dr!ven wrongdo!ng thr!ller f!lm. !t ended up pla!nly a standout amongst the best monetar!ly mov!es !n dhallywood h!story. Agnee brought Mah! 'Best F!lm On-screen character " for the f!rst run through from Mer!l Prothom Alo Grants !n 2014
Dob!r Saheber Songsar !s the pr!mary com!c drama f!lm performed by Mah!. She assumed three parts at once !n th!s mot!on p!cture. !t averaged !n the mov!es.
Her Next f!lm !s "Honeymon" w!th bappy chowdhury.d!rector by bappy chowdhury. Hanymon depends t!me of !d ul f!tr and generat!on place of jaaz s!ght and sound.
Onek Sadher Moyna d!scharged on 7 November. !t !s the revamp of f!lm 'Moyna-Mot!' of 1969 played by the legends Abdur Razzak and Kabar!. The f!lm d!d superb !n the mov!es.
!n the f!lm Desha: The P!oneer, Mah! assumes the part of a column!st. Surpr!s!ngly she w!ll be found as a lyr!cyst !n th!s f!lm.
!n 2015 she featured as Jul!et !n Romeo versus Jul!et coord!nated by Ashok Pat!. She assumed the t!tle part !n Shaf! Udd!n Shaf! 's The government and assumed the part of a column!st !n Not!ce. Mah! add!t!onally featured !n Agnee 2, the sp!n-off of Agnee.
!n med!a
Mah! !s accounted for as "another sensat!on" by all Bangladesh! med!a. The Day by day !ttefaq and As!an telev!s!on program Mot!on p!cture Bazaar has pronounced Mah! as the best on-screen character of 2013.
Mah! turned !nto the brand m!n!ster of Un!lever's magn!f!cence !mage Reasonable and Exqu!s!te !n Apr!l 2014.
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