bangladeshi cricketer shakib al hasan biography
bangladeshi cricketer shakib al hasan biography
Shak!b Al Hasan (conce!ved 24 Walk 1987) !s a Bangladesh! worldw!de cr!cket player. Cons!dered as the best cr!cketer to have at any po!nt played for Bangladesh, Shak!b !s one of the best all-rounders on the planet w!th most elevated rank!ngs !n all organ!zat!ons. !n 2015, Shak!b turned !nto the f!rst and f!nal cr!cketer !n h!story to be pos!t!oned the No.1 all-rounder by !CC !n !ts Player Rank!ngs !n every one of the three arrangements of the d!vers!on (Test, Twenty20 and One Day !nternat!onals). On 13 January 2017, he enl!sted the most noteworthy !nd!v!dual score (217) by a Bangladesh! batsman !n Tests.

Shak!b had been a cons!stent enterta!ner s!nce break!ng !nto the nat!onal group and was remunerated w!th the capta!ncy !n m!d 2009. He assumed control from h!s countryman and long-term p!oneer Mashrafe Mortaza. Shak!b went ahead to lead Bangladesh !n the 2011 !CC Cr!cket World Conta!ner, and rema!ned the sk!pper for a couple home and away arrangement'. He was calmed of h!s obl!gat!ons !n late 2011 when h!s BKSP partner Mushf!qur Rah!m was named the new sk!pper.
Shak!b holds var!ous records !n both household and global arrangements. Start!ng at 2016, he has played more than 250 matches and scored more than 8000 runs !ncorporat!ng 9 centur!es !n OD!'s, tests and T20 !nternat!onals, second most for a Bangladesh! cr!cketer. !n July 2015, he got h!s 200th OD! w!cket. W!th th!s accompl!shment, Shak!b turned !nto the seventh !nd!v!dual from the f!rst class club w!th no less than 4,000 runs and 200 w!ckets. As of now he !s the ma!n w!cket taker for Bangladesh on OD!'s. He !s l!kew!se one of just three players to score a century and take 10 w!ckets !n a s!m!lar Test coord!nate. H!s accompl!shments on the p!tch presented to h!m var!ous honors, world and As!an X! call ups, W!sden acknowledgment and set up h!m as a nat!onal symbol.
Early years and youth cr!cket
As !nd!cated by Prothom Alo sports superv!sor Sadman Sabah Al!, Shak!b "was genu!nely capable at cr!cket and was frequently employed to play for var!ous towns". !n one of these matches Shak!b awed an ump!re who organ!zed h!m to hone w!th the !slampur Para Club, a group !n the Magura Cr!cket Assoc!at!on. Am!d the pract!ce sess!on, Shak!b batted forcefully and knocked down some p!ns qu!ck, as he generally d!d, add!t!onally tr!ed d!fferent th!ngs w!th turn rock!ng the bowl!ng alley wh!ch ended up be!ng not all that successful. He was p!cked to play for !slampur and brought a w!cket w!th h!s f!rst ball; !t was h!s f!rst conveyance w!th a leg!t!mate cr!cket ball, hav!ng beforehand by and large played w!th a taped tenn!s ball. He burned through s!x months prepar!ng at Bangladesh Kr!ra Sh!ksha Prat!sthan, an adm!n!strat!on run sports foundat!on.
!n 2005, am!d the last of a tr!-country compet!t!on !nclud!ng Br!ta!n and Sr! Lanka's Under-19 groups, Shak!b scored a 86-ball century and took three w!ckets to lead h!s group to tr!umph. !n the v!c!n!ty of 2005 and 2006, Shak!b played 18 youth One Day !nternat!onals; he scored 563 keeps runn!ng at a normal of 35.18, and took 22 w!ckets at a normal of 20.18.
Res!dent!al cr!cket
Locally Shak!b has spoken to Khulna D!v!s!on s!nce 2004, and !n 2010 he spent a wh!le play!ng for Worcestersh!re !n Br!ta!n, turn!ng !nto the ma!n Bangladesh! player to speak to an Engl!sh prov!nce cr!cket group. For the 2011 !nd!an Head All!ance, Shak!b was shrunk by Kolkata Kn!ght R!ders. !n the ma!n per!od of Bangladesh Head All!ance, he capta!ned Khulna !llustr!ous Bengals, and !n the second season he drove Dhaka Warr!ors to the compet!t!on t!tle.He played for Rangpur R!ders !n the 2015 BPL season. Shak!b spoke to Uthura Rudras !n the 2012 Sr! Lanka Ch!ef Class. Shak!b add!t!onally played for Barbados Tr!dents !n the 2013 Car!bbean Head Assoc!at!on. He played for Adela!de Str!kers !n 2014 supplant!ng the harmed Johan Botha, !n th!s way turn!ng !nto the ma!n Bangladesh! to play !n the Huge Bash Assoc!at!on.
Un!versal presentat!on
Shak!b made h!s One Day Un!versal (OD!) make a b!g appearance aga!nst Z!mbabwe on 6 August 2006, where he scored 30 runs and knocked down some p!ns out Elton Ch!gumbura to get h!s f!rst OD! w!cket.. He made h!s Test make a b!g appearance the accompany!ng 6 May aga!nst !nd!a. From January 2009 to Apr!l 2011 and aga!n from Walk 2012, Shak!b was pos!t!oned f!rst among OD! all-rounders by the !CC. !n December 2011, he turned !nto the world's top-pos!t!oned Test all-rounder.!n December 2014 Shak!b turned !nto the world's top pos!t!oned Twenty 20 all-rounder. He !s at present the ma!n all rounder to be pos!t!oned !n the ma!n 3 of !CC Player Rank!ngs over each arrangement of global cr!cket. !n 2008, Shak!b took around then the best rock!ng the bowl!ng alley f!gures by a Bangladesh player !n Tests, 7 w!ckets for 36 keeps runn!ng, aga!nst New Zealand. To date he !s Bangladesh's most astound!ng w!cket taker !n Test Matches.
Shak!b was named Bangladesh's bad hab!t ch!ef !n June 2009. Am!d Bangladesh's voyage through the West Non ma!nstream players the next month, the sk!pper Mashrafe Mortaza was harmed and Shak!b assumed control over the capta!ncy. He was 22 years of age at the t!me. At f!rst a trans!tory pos!t!on, Shak!b's prosper!ty aga!nst the West Non ma!nstream players, secur!ng h!s s!de's f!rst abroad arrangement w!n, guaranteed h!s ma!ntenance of capta!ncy even after Mort recouped. Shak!b was named The W!sden Cr!cketer's "Test Player of the Year" !n November 2009. !n July 2010, he ventured down from the OD! capta!ncy to focus on h!s own execut!on. Mortaza assumed control unt!l he wound up pla!nly harmed aga!n and Shak!b was made a request to resume author!ty. Th!s endured unt!l he was soothed of capta!ncy !n September 2011 because of a poor World Glass battle .
!n 2015 subsequent to batt!ng !n the pr!mary match at 2015 Cr!cket World Conta!ner, Hasan had a sum of 4,040 keeps runn!ng !n OD! coord!nates and turned !nto the pr!nc!pal Bangladesh! cr!cketer to score 4,000 keeps runn!ng !n OD!s.
Worldw!de profess!on
Ach!evement (2006–2008)
Shak!b was !ncorporated !nto Bangladesh's sen!or squad to v!s!t Z!mbabwe !n February, 2006. Alongs!de Farhad Reza and Mushf!qur Rah!m, Shak!b was one of the three uncapped players to be !ncorporated !nto the squad. Shak!b and Reza were portrayed as "great cr!cketers !n all branches of the amusement", and Faruq Ahmed – the ma!n selector – sa!d that Bangladesh had "h!gh trusts from them and !t's chance !n them to perform at the worldw!de level". Shak!b made h!s OD! make a b!g appearance on the v!s!t on 6 August; h!s lady w!cket was that of all-rounder Elton Ch!gumbura, and he completed w!th rock!ng the bowl!ng alley f!gures of 1/39. He l!kew!se scored 30 not out wh!le Shahr!ar Nafees scored h!s lady OD! century to help Bangladesh w!n by e!ght w!ckets. !t was the last match !n the arrangement, wh!ch Z!mbabwe won 3–2. !n September 2006, Shak!b was one of three players to be allowed a new k!d on the block contract w!th the Bangladesh Cr!cket Board (BCB), alongs!de Farhad Reza and Mehrab Hossa!n Jr. Th!s expanded the quant!ty of players w!th focal contracts and under the control of the BCB from 20 to 23.
The West !ndependents fac!l!tated the 2007 Cr!cket World Conta!ner !n Spr!ng and Apr!l; Shak!b was !ncorporated !nto the 15-man squad drove by Hab!bul Bashar. Bangladesh made !t to the second phase of the oppos!t!on and completed seventh. En route the group made a fur!ous about beat!ng !nd!a help thump them out of the compet!t!on. W!th Tam!m !qbal !n s!mply h!s f!fth OD! and Mushf!qur Rah!m, Shak!b was one of three Bangladesh batsmen !n the match to score a half century to help the group ach!eve !ts object!ve of 192 to w!n. Later !n the compet!t!on, Shak!b scored another half-century desp!te the fact that Bangladesh were vanqu!shed by Br!ta!n on that very event. W!th 202 keeps runn!ng from n!ne matches at a normal of 28.85
Shak!b !n the th!rd and the last OD! aga!nst Z!mbabwe !n January 2009 !n Sher-e-Bangla Nat!onal Stad!um, wh!ch Bangladesh won w!th Shak!b's !nd!v!dual unbeaten 33 keeps runn!ng of 60 balls.
Soon thereafter, !n May, !nd!a v!s!ted Bangladesh for two Tests and three OD!s. On 18 May, Shak!b made h!s Test make a b!g appearance aga!nst !nd!a. He batted once, scor!ng 27 runs, and played 13 overs w!thout tak!ng a w!cket as the match f!n!shed !n a draw. !nd!a won the Test arrangement 1–0 and the OD! arrangement 3–0. After the v!s!t, Dav Whatmore surrendered from h!s pos!t!on as Bangladesh mentor, and batsman Mohammad Ashraful supplanted Hab!bul Bashar as ch!ef. !n September 2007, South Afr!ca fac!l!tated the !CC World Twenty20. Tr!umph aga!nst West Non ma!nstream players !n the f!rst round was suff!c!ent to guarantee Bangladesh's movement to the second round, !n sp!te of the fact that !t was the just a s!ngle of the!r f!ve matches they won. !n the match aga!nst West !ndependents, Shak!b took 4/34; !t was the f!rst run through a Bangladesh player had taken more than three w!ckets !n a Global Twenty20 match (T20!). Shak!b was a p!ece of another b!t of T20! h!story when !n a match aga!nst Austral!a !n the compet!t!on he wound up not!ceably one of three casualt!es of the ma!n T20! cap trap. Brett Lee took Shak!b's w!cket, tra!led by those of Mortaza's and Alok Kapal! to help Austral!a to a n!ne-w!cket w!n. !n October that year, !t was declared that Jam!e S!ddons – Austral!a's collaborator mentor – would assume control over the part of Bangladesh mentor; S!ddons aff!rmed that the past set-up had concentrated on here and now object!ves and that he was want!ng to enhance Bangladesh over the long haul and keep together a center squad of capable players to p!ck up !nvolvement w!th un!versal level.
!n December 2007 and January 2008, Bangladesh v!s!ted New Zealand for two Tests and three OD!s. !n sp!te of the fact that he d!dn't play the ma!n Test, Shak!b was chosen over Enamul Haque Jr for the second because of h!s better batt!ng capac!ty. !t was Shak!b's fourth Test, and unt!l that po!nt he had gone w!cketless. H!s f!rst w
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