Amulya an indian sexy hot actress
Amulya an indian sexy hot actress
Amulya (born Moulya on fourteen September 1993) !s Assoc!ate !n Nurs!ng !nd!an f!lm role player UN agency seems !n Kanarese f!lms. She created her debut as a toddler creat!ve person w!th!n the early 2000s and appeared !n an exceed!ngly lead role !n 2007 w!th Cheluv!na Ch!ttara. She !s best glor!ous for her roles w!th!n the commerc!ally self-made f!lms Cha!trada Chandrama (2008), Naanu Nanna Kanasu (2010) and Shravan! Subramanya (2013).
Early l!fe
Amulya was born on fourteen September 1993 as Maulya !n metropol!s, Karnataka. Her father worked as a bourgeo!s unt!l he d!ed !n 2009. Her mother, Jayalaksm!, may be a woman of the house UN agency Amulya res!des w!th, !n metropol!s. She has Assoc!ate !n Nurs!ng older brother, Deepak Aras, UN agency d!rected her 2011 f!lm Manasology. Her launch!ng on-screen came as a 6-year recent !n an exceed!ngly Kanarese tv ser!es, Supta Manas!na Sapta Swaragalu. She descr!bes her ch!ldhood as a "busy" one, hav!ng concerned herself !n sports and mus!c aboard lecturers. whereas at school, she tra!ned as Bharatanatyam dancer and has obta!ned a !nexper!enced belt !n mart!al art. She completed her pre-un!vers!ty course !n commerce from mounta!n cha!n faculty, Bangalore. !n 2014, she obta!ned a Bachelor of Commerce (B. Com) degree, from an equ!valent faculty.
Amulya was born on fourteen September 1993 as Maulya !n metropol!s, Karnataka. Her father worked as a bourgeo!s unt!l he d!ed !n 2009. Her mother, Jayalaksm!, may be a woman of the house UN agency Amulya res!des w!th, !n metropol!s. She has Assoc!ate !n Nurs!ng older brother, Deepak Aras, UN agency d!rected her 2011 f!lm Manasology. Her launch!ng on-screen came as a 6-year recent !n an exceed!ngly Kanarese tv ser!es, Supta Manas!na Sapta Swaragalu. She descr!bes her ch!ldhood as a "busy" one, hav!ng concerned herself !n sports and mus!c aboard lecturers. whereas at school, she tra!ned as Bharatanatyam dancer and has obta!ned a !nexper!enced belt !n mart!al art. She completed her pre-un!vers!ty course !n commerce from mounta!n cha!n faculty, Bangalore. !n 2014, she obta!ned a Bachelor of Commerce (B. Com) degree, from an equ!valent faculty.
Amulya created her debut !n f!lms as a toddler creat!ve person w!th!n the 2001 Kanarese f!lm Parva that had V!shnuvardhan enjoy!ng the lead role. Her debut as a lead role player came w!th!n the 2007 f!lm Cheluv!na Ch!ttara oppos!te Ganesa that was self-made at the box-off!ce. She then appeared !n Cha!trada Chandrama, Prem!sm, Naanu Nanna Kanasu and Manasology that d!d moderate bus!ness or fa!l!ng at the box-off!ce. But, Amulya's performances rece!ved !mportant accla!m.After a b!enn!al h!atus, she appeared w!th!n the 2013 h!t f!lm Shravan! Subramanya oppos!te Ganesa together w!th her performance rece!v!ng apprec!at!on from cr!t!cs. w!th!n the same year, she was g!ven the t!tle 'Golden Queen' by her co-star of Shravan! Subramanya, Ganesh. Her performance w!th!n the f!lm won her, her 1st F!lmfare Award, the award for Best role player. !n her solely unharness of 2014, Amulya v!e Meera !n Gajakesar!, because the love !nterest of the character v!e by Yash.
Amulya created her debut !n f!lms as a toddler creat!ve person w!th!n the 2001 Kanarese f!lm Parva that had V!shnuvardhan enjoy!ng the lead role. Her debut as a lead role player came w!th!n the 2007 f!lm Cheluv!na Ch!ttara oppos!te Ganesa that was self-made at the box-off!ce. She then appeared !n Cha!trada Chandrama, Prem!sm, Naanu Nanna Kanasu and Manasology that d!d moderate bus!ness or fa!l!ng at the box-off!ce. But, Amulya's performances rece!ved !mportant accla!m.After a b!enn!al h!atus, she appeared w!th!n the 2013 h!t f!lm Shravan! Subramanya oppos!te Ganesa together w!th her performance rece!v!ng apprec!at!on from cr!t!cs. w!th!n the same year, she was g!ven the t!tle 'Golden Queen' by her co-star of Shravan! Subramanya, Ganesh. Her performance w!th!n the f!lm won her, her 1st F!lmfare Award, the award for Best role player. !n her solely unharness of 2014, Amulya v!e Meera !n Gajakesar!, because the love !nterest of the character v!e by Yash.
Amulya's 1st f!lm !n 2015, Khush! Khush!yag!, saw her be!ng pa!red oppos!te Ganesa for the th!rd t!me. Cr!t!cs pra!sed her performance as Nand!n!; G. S. Kumar of the days of As!an nat!on wrote, "Shades of 'Shravan! Subramanya' ar v!s!ble !n Amulya's role, UN agency essays a stellar role..." !n Male, she was sol!d !n tomboy!sh role as Varsha, and was pa!red oppos!te Prem Kumar. !n her second unharness of the year, a romance-drama, Ram-Leela, she v!e Chandrakala, the s!ster of a don, and therefore the love !nterest of Ch!ranjeev! Sarja. The f!lm rece!ved m!xed response from cr!t!cs. !n her 1st unharness of 2016, Maduveya Mamatheya Kareyole, she dep!cted "a meaty character that perm!ts to r!de a Bullet". As Kush!, she was pa!red oppos!te Suraj (played by Suraj Gowda), w!th!n the fam!ly drama-romance f!lm, UN agency she f!nally ends up marry!ng grappl!ng sure fam!l!al problems and upon the des!res of the!r !nd!v!dual folks. the days of As!an nat!on known as her performance a "versat!le" one.
!n February 2016, The New !nd!an categor!cal reportable that Amulya was approached by the manufacturers of Mass Leader to play the role of Sh!va Rajkumar's s!ster. !t's to be d!rected by Sahana Murthy. She conjo!ntly conf!rmed s!gn language Nagashekar's Maast! Gud! that may see her enjoy!ng the fem!n!ne lead oppos!te Dun!ya V!jay.
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