bangladeshi cricketer taskin ahmed tazim biography
bangladeshi cricketer taskin ahmed tazim biography
Task!n Ahmed Taz!m (conce!ved 3 Apr!l 1995) !s a Bangladesh! cr!cketer. He !s the ch!ld of bus!nessperson Abdur Rash!d and Sab!na Yasm!n. He !s a r!ght-arm qu!ck bowler and a left-gave batsman. He speaks to Dhaka C!ty !n top notch and Rundown A cr!cket and the Ch!ttagong Lords and Ch!ttagong V!k!ngs establ!shment !n the Bangladesh Head Assoc!at!on.
Early vocat!on
He f!n!shed SSC from Lord Khaled Establ!shment and HSC from Stamford School. Presently he !s an understudy of Amer!can Global College of Bangladesh (A!UB). Task!n began cr!cket !n Abahan! play area on 10 January 2007. !n the wake of play!ng under-15 and under-17 level he found the opportun!ty to play for under-19 group. He made h!s top notch make a b!g appearance for Dhaka C!ty !n October 2011 aga!nst Bar!sal D!v!s!on.
!n the under-19 World Measure of 2012, Task!n was the most elevated w!cket-taker for Bangladesh, tak!ng 11 w!ckets. !n h!s second Twenty20 !n BPL-2 for the Ch!ttagong Lords he was named man of the match for h!s knock!ng down some p!ns f!gures of 4/31 aga!nst Duronto Rajshah! !n the sem!-last. He took 8 w!ckets !n 4 matches wh!ch was the most essent!al def!n!ng moment of h!s vocat!on.
!n BPL-3 he played for Ch!ttagong V!k!ngs. He turned !nto the fourth most looked !nd!v!dual of 2015 !n google from Bangladesh.
Global profess!on
After Rubel Hossa!n ,Task!n Ahmed !s the second Qu!ckest Bowler !n the h!stor!cal backdrop of Bangladesh cr!cket . Task!n Ahmed has t!med 148 km/h aga!nst Pak!stan !n As!a glass 2016 where Rubel Hossa!n has an amaz!ng 149.5 km/h !n a warm up d!vers!on !n 2009 !CC World Twenty20. Task!n Ahmed can rel!ably bowl around 145K/h . The entryway of nat!onal group opened for h!m all of a sudden !n the event of Mashrafe's damage on the 1 Apr!l 2014 and took the w!cket of Glenn Maxwell !n T20! make a b!g appearance. On 17 June 2014 he took 5 w!ckets aga!nst !nd!a as the ma!n Bangladesh! OD! make a b!g appearance bowler. Th!s except!onal execut!on was named as one of the best execut!on of 2014 !n cr!c!nfo grant.
He !s l!kew!se chosen to Bangladesh nat!onal cr!cket group !n the 2015 Cr!cket World Glass squad for h!s extraord!nary execut!on !n local cr!cket !n 2014 season. !n gather!ng phase of WC he took one w!cket aga!nst Afghan!stan, three aga!nst Scotland and two aga!nst Br!ta!n, wh!ch had a v!tal part to qual!fy !n the quarter-last. Whenever Bangladesh confronted !nd!a was !n Melbourne, the World Conta!ner quarter-last. !t was a full-qual!ty !nd!an group th!s t!me around. Task!n awed aga!n by tak!ng three w!ckets. He was the most astound!ng w!cket-taker from Bangladesh !n WC-2015. The ep!c fest!val amongst Task!n and Mashrafe !n the wake of gett!ng w!cket called "Trunk knock" was named as a standout amongst the most essent!al snapshot of WC-2015.
He l!kew!se had an !mperat!ve part to "Banglawash" Pak!stan !n Apr!l 2015 and arrangement w!nn!ng aga!nst !nd!a !n June 2015.
!n 2016 he was chosen !n Bangladesh's squad for the 2016 !CC World Twenty20. Notw!thstand!ng, he was later suspended from knock!ng down some p!ns !n worldw!de cr!cket because of an unlawful act!v!ty rocked the bowl!ng alley am!d the compet!t!on.
He made h!s Test make a b!g appearance for Bangladesh aga!nst New Zealand on 12 January 2017 and h!s lady test w!cket was Kane W!ll!amson.
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